2024 Winter Harbour Reports

Traveling home today, time for a full report of the trip.

I’ll start with the bad news: got back to port Alice boat launch this morning to travel home and discovered that our truck and boat trailer were stolen right out of the parking lot. It is a 2002 ford f-350, lifted on 37” tires, spare tire on the roof, with aftermarket bumpers. Please keep an eye out for it. Washington license plate. We already have a case going with RCMP and watched camera footage with the Marina master. It was stolen at 3:15 AM on July 13. They said they recognize the pilot car that left with the truck when it was stolen. It is a blue dodge journey and they live in the trailer park in town supposedly. Marina master said this has never happened before but just a warning to anyone launching at port Alice.

The good news: fishing was excellent. Coming home with 6 people’s full limits for halibut, lingcod, chinook, and rockfish. Majority of our springs were at lawn point. Hoochies fished best 80’ down in 90’ feet of water or so. Some spots were hot for lings some weren’t but the commercial guys certainly left some at certain pinnacles and when you find them, you’ll know it. Halibut were slightly tougher for us. Found plenty but it was extremely difficult finding any over about 95 cm. Had one at 45 pounds and the rest in the 80 to 95 cm range.

Good luck all and please keep an eye out for my truck and be careful of your stuff in port Alice right now apparently.
Traveling home today, time for a full report of the trip.

I’ll start with the bad news: got back to port Alice boat launch this morning to travel home and discovered that our truck and boat trailer were stolen right out of the parking lot. It is a 2002 ford f-350, lifted on 37” tires, spare tire on the roof, with aftermarket bumpers. Please keep an eye out for it. Washington license plate. We already have a case going with RCMP and watched camera footage with the Marina master. It was stolen at 3:15 AM on July 13. They said they recognize the pilot car that left with the truck when it was stolen. It is a blue dodge journey and they live in the trailer park in town supposedly. Marina master said this has never happened before but just a warning to anyone launching at port Alice.

The good news: fishing was excellent. Coming home with 6 people’s full limits for halibut, lingcod, chinook, and rockfish. Majority of our springs were at lawn point. Hoochies fished best 80’ down in 90’ feet of water or so. Some spots were hot for lings some weren’t but the commercial guys certainly left some at certain pinnacles and when you find them, you’ll know it. Halibut were slightly tougher for us. Found plenty but it was extremely difficult finding any over about 95 cm. Had one at 45 pounds and the rest in the 80 to 95 cm range.

Good luck all and please keep an eye out for my truck and be careful of your stuff in port Alice right now apparently.
As a resident of Port Alice, I am very sorry to hear this, we generally have very little crime, and if it was a local, I am pretty sure it sure it will not be long until everyone knows who it is and that person will feel very uncomfortable living here, and hopefully leave.
Some follow up on yesterdays post:

My truck has been found and recovered by RCMP as of this afternoon. A local found it while on a dirt bike ride today stashed away in the brush on a logging road literally on the outskirts of Port Alice. It certainly has some damage but based on pictures and reports from RCMP, is driveable and should be salvageable with some repairs. I am so thankful to be getting my truck back. A huge thank you to all the Port Alice Residents and local Port Alice RCMP officer who helped out on this case. They were incredibly supportive and we had multiple go out on their own will looking for the truck and offer up their own accommodations, moorage slips, and boat trailers so we could at least pull the boat (before we recovered the trailer first yesterday). As for the thief, the police know who it is. They have more than enough evidence to make an arrest and at this point are actively looking for him and as soon as he is located, will be arrested. Thanks again for all the local support and I hope nobody else ever has to go through this. Good luck fishing all!!
Some follow up on yesterdays post:

My truck has been found and recovered by RCMP as of this afternoon. A local found it while on a dirt bike ride today stashed away in the brush on a logging road literally on the outskirts of Port Alice. It certainly has some damage but based on pictures and reports from RCMP, is driveable and should be salvageable with some repairs. I am so thankful to be getting my truck back. A huge thank you to all the Port Alice Residents and local Port Alice RCMP officer who helped out on this case. They were incredibly supportive and we had multiple go out on their own will looking for the truck and offer up their own accommodations, moorage slips, and boat trailers so we could at least pull the boat (before we recovered the trailer first yesterday). As for the thief, the police know who it is. They have more than enough evidence to make an arrest and at this point are actively looking for him and as soon as he is located, will be arrested. Thanks again for all the local support and I hope nobody else ever has to go through this. Good luck fishing all!!
Glad to hear it worked out well for you in the end!!!! Safe journeys. !!
Last weekend was great. Coho everywhere biting almost everything - hoochies, small spoons, big spoons, even plugs. Some decent ones in the double digits, but most are still growing (4-6lb). Chinook were a bit of a grind unless you got outside. Needle fish and small bait seemed to be the ticket close to shore and near structure 40-80ft of water. Most fish were in the top half of the water column. Wee-G's and Skinny-G's had most of the action, but some bites on squirts and hoochies. No squid in any of the fish we got, all small bait and needle fish.

When the weather cooperated, Grant produced in close to the rocks, but nada out 150-200ft where they have been in past years. Didn't try way out at 300ft, but there were boats doing there thing out there, so must have been fish. Lawn point also produced, but it was a bit far for being in an 18ft boat with the mid-morning wind that would pick up and add to the sloppy conditions. Made for a tricky ride back for me - I only fish off shore once a year and I know I'm a little undersized boat wise to be out there unless it's pretty good conditions.

When it was too windy, Kains produced 2-3 chinook bites for us each day, but it was mostly coho there. Did a few token passes at Cliffe down to Harvey one afternoon but didn't get any nibbles. Not much on the sounder and not many boats there. All in all, pretty scratchy inside for chinook, but so many coho!

Ground fishing was not as productive for us as in past years, but I only stay between Lawn and Lippy when conditions allow. Buddies that went up to San Jo did good for hali.

All in all a good trip.

Looking forward to another couple days out there this coming weekend with a smaller crew, then I'm relegated to the inside waters off McNeill for the rest of the summer.