2024 Winter Harbour Reports

Wondering if anyone can provide some info on crabbing around winter harbour, I've fished quite a bit up there but never tried crabbing. Heard the otters have it pretty well cleaned out. Is there any areas close by that would be worth soaking a few traps?
I think you should be fine, but call Port Alice Petroleum to be sure (250) 284-3530 . They are very good to deal with and price is usually competitive. They also carry bait and some fishing gear.
Yes the price was actually better than Hyde by $.12!! Launch was Awsome. Thanks
Wondering if anyone can provide some info on crabbing around winter harbour, I've fished quite a bit up there but never tried crabbing. Heard the otters have it pretty well cleaned out. Is there any areas close by that would be worth soaking a few traps?
No the otters got them all best spot is back in coal harbour but it’s a long way to go for crab
Any recent reports?? Heading up next week
Lots of springs at lawn. As said before small spoons are killing it (wee gees, coho killers, skinny gees etc. black, green blue…. Sounds like commercial guys cleaned up on lings lately.
We didn’t have very good luck with lings in our usual spots but we did see lingers on the dock so could have just been our luck…. Salmon fishing on the other hand was totally insane. We had between 20 and 30 double headers and released a tonne . Action was steady. Even caught a few springs on surface in prop wash with spin caster while trying for coho. 4 of us filled our limits (except lings…) fish seemed to be everywhere but mostly lawn and grant. Not many at light house for us.
We just got back from WH. Chinook fishing was awesome in Grants bay early morning. We used glow gator needle fish on both sides at 39 ft. Lighthouse was holding some coho but not too many Chinook. We did find some ling on the pinnacles out front of the light house and Grants but had to work for them.
Fished 21st thru 28th...echoing the same news. WO fishing at lawn point at times. Most fish there were schooled up, had to circle back around to the general area of the sonar screen marks to stay on the fish. I picked two very windy days to fish lawn, so staying on the fish was sometimes tough but we scratched them out. 12-14lbs were kept, lots smaller that were released.

Had one good morning out at Grant bay, and several decent evenings at the lighthouse. Final short morning at the lighthouse on departure day yielded three chinook, including the two big fish of the trip at 19 and 22lb, and no other boats due to a day with beautiful flat water.

Most other fish were 12-14 with a couple at 16 and 18.

Purple haze hoochie fished best for us. Inshore lures are different for us from year to year. This year the hoochie outfished the small spoons for us by a wide margin. No joy with the various turds, but it's worth noting that sometimes they really like a larger conventional octopus hoochie than the normal 3.5 size.

Sometimes they also will prefer an old-fashioned flasher pattern. The regular silver mylar sides did better for us than any of the fancy new shiny patterns. Over the years we've done well at times with the oldschool silver sides on white, red, green and blue blades. White blade with silver sides is always first in the water for me but it wasn't the trick this year.

We didn't do any focused ling work, but picked up enough for us on two otherwise mediocre halibut soaks.

Wife and oldest boy both landed nice chinook while experimenting with jigs around the lighthouse, and neice lost another good one on at Cliffe (due to crap leader tied by yours truly). I think there are times where you could really kill them jigging, but troll is best when it's scratchy. I should have tried at lawn but it was annoyingly windy and rough...the backtroll kicker operator (yours truly, again) would have been wet and cranky.

Weighed a 34# Cliffe chinook for a fellow at the government dock. That was a nice fish.
Since our boat is broke down and can’t fish anymore I thought I would post a quick report. Springs limits by Lawn Point. Also trolled up a 39# Hali there. Lots of wild coho around and a few have some size. Hard to find the hatchery coho but managed a few.
Great first day for our crew in WH today. Weather made it so we had to work a little harder for them but we made the most of a couple hour window we had to get to lawn point today (before half the crew on the boat started chumming🤣) and had good action. 7 springs to the boat and lost a few others in a couple hours of fishing including a couple of double headers. Seemed like relatively equal action on spoons and hoochies. Greens and whites both had action. All in the 12 to 17 pound range. Could see plenty of action happening for the other boats there too. Good news is looks like weather is just supposed to improve in the coming days so hope to capitalize and get on some bottomfish action. Feel free to come say hi if you’re in town. We’re in the the 25’ defiance moored at the outpost docks. Cheers all!!
Does anyone know if the launch at Rupert arm is open? Thanks in advance
Just rumours at this point, but it sounds like some locals have started picking away at the barricade and apparently you can get a tinny launched now, but it's tight. That and the land owner may have already put the barricade(s) back in place?
Are the springs still on fire out there? Trying to plan a trip next week.