2024 Port McNeill, Telegragh Cove Reports

Are you allowed to keep wild coho?

Yes - see FN457 -- https://notices.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fns-sap/index-eng.cfm?pg=view_notice&DOC_ID=301420&ID=all

-- 1 hatchery, 1 wild in QC Strait, until July 31 -- inside the inlets until Dec 31.

The map at this link is the easiest way to see it - https://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm-gp/rec/tidal-maree/chq-co/12-co-eng.pdf

See below for part of that notice, with red highlights for Area 12 limits.

FN0457-RECREATIONAL - Salmon - Coho - Areas 11 to 20, 111, and Subareas 29-1 to 29-5 - Coho Management Measures - Effective June 1, 2024



Fishery Notice - Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Subject: FN0457-RECREATIONAL - Salmon - Coho - Areas 11 to 20, 111, and Subareas 29-1 to 29-5 - Coho Management Measures - Effective June 1, 2024

Unless otherwise specified below, the daily limit for Coho is two (2) per day, hatchery marked only, effective 00:01 hours June 1, 2024, to 23:59 hours December 31, 2024, in Areas 11 to 20, 111, and Subareas 29-1 to 29-5. These measures exclude finfish closed areas, Rockfish Conservation Areas (RCAs), and areas closed to salmon fishing to protect Southern Resident Killer Whales. Please check the DFO website referenced at the bottom of this notice for more information.


Area 111 and Subareas 11-1, 11-2, and 12-14 (Portion of Queen Charlotte Sound):

Effective 00:01 hours June 1, 2024, until 23:59 hours July 31, 2024, you may retain two (2) Coho per day (hatchery marked or unmarked).

Effective 00:01 hours August 1, 2024, until 23:59 hours December 31, 2024, you may retain two (2) Coho per day, of which only one (1) may be unmarked.


Subareas 11-3 to 11-10 (inside Nakwakto Rapids):

Effective 00:01 hours April 1, 2024, until 23:59 hours December 31, 2024, you may retain two (2) Coho per day (hatchery marked or unmarked).


Subareas 12-3 to 12-13, 12-15, 12-16 (except for the Hardy Bay portion described separately below), 12-17 to 12-19, and 12-21 to 12-23:

Effective 00:01 hours June 1, 2024, until 23:59 hours July 31, 2024, you may retain two (2) Coho per day, of which only one (1) may be unmarked.


That portion of Subarea 12-16 (Hardy Bay) inside of a line from Duval Point to Daphne Point:

Effective 00:01 hours August 1, 2024, until 23:59 hours December 31, 2024,

you may retain four (4) hatchery marked Coho per day.

In Subarea 12-16, the mouth of the Keogh River within a 400 m radius of the shore bounded by fishing boundary signs posted approximately 400 m north and 400 m south of the river's mouth:

Effective 00:01 hours August 1, 2024, until 23:59 hours October 31, 2024, Coho non-retention.


Subareas 12-26 to 12-48 (Portion of the Mainland Inlets):

Effective 00:01 hours June 1, 2024, until 23:59 hours December 31, 2024, you may retain two (2) Coho per day, of which only one (1) may be unmarked.
For chinook, the latest I can find is this notice below, which allows 1 per day hatchery or wild [80 cm max for wild] until July 14. Am I right that unless there is a notice soon, we revert to 0 chinook allowed?

FN0291-RECREATIONAL - Salmon - Chinook - Portions of Areas 12, 13, and 15 to 20 - Chinook Management Measures - Effective April 1, 2024
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For chinook, the latest I can find is this notice below, which allows 1 per day hatchery or wild [80 cm max for wild] until July 14. Am I right that unless there is a notice soon, we revert to 0 chinook allowed?

FN0291-RECREATIONAL - Salmon - Chinook - Portions of Areas 12, 13, and 15 to 20 - Chinook Management Measures - Effective April 1, 2024
I am no expert on the regs in area 12, but everyone down here in Nanaimo expects a slot opening for Chinook as of July 15. I would expect that on the 15th you will actually have more opportunity for Chinook up there, as they won't be limited to just a few specific sub areas - but a slot may be in effect.
I am no expert on the regs in area 12, but everyone down here in Nanaimo expects a slot opening for Chinook as of July 15. I would expect that on the 15th you will actually have more opportunity for Chinook up there, as they won't be limited to just a few specific sub areas - but a slot may be in effect.
So, we'd be looking for a new fishery notice between now and the 14th?
So, we'd be looking for a new fishery notice between now and the 14th?

I believe so as this was the last notice i found, the notice would have to come out by this friday

"Effective 00:01 hours April 1, 2024, until further notice, the daily limit for Chinook is zero (0) per day.

These measures apply in the following waters:
Area 12 (excluding Subarea 12-14); Areas 13 to 17, and Subareas 29-1 to 29-2.

For clarity, in Areas 11 and 111, and Subarea 12-14, the daily limit of Chinook remains two (2) per day, marked or unmarked, with a minimum size of 45 cm.

Effective 00:01 hours April 1, 2024, until further notice, the daily limit for Chinook is zero (0) per day."
I believe so as this was the last notice i found, the notice would have to come out by this friday

"Effective 00:01 hours April 1, 2024, until further notice, the daily limit for Chinook is zero (0) per day.

These measures apply in the following waters:
Area 12 (excluding Subarea 12-14); Areas 13 to 17, and Subareas 29-1 to 29-2.

For clarity, in Areas 11 and 111, and Subarea 12-14, the daily limit of Chinook remains two (2) per day, marked or unmarked, with a minimum size of 45 cm.

Effective 00:01 hours April 1, 2024, until further notice, the daily limit for Chinook is zero (0) per day."

Yeah, I agree. The notice right after this one was the mark selective fishery one I quoted earlier - and it only covers until July 14th. So I think you're right - it reverts to 0 unless they issue something.
Yeah, I agree. The notice right after this one was the mark selective fishery one I quoted earlier - and it only covers until July 14th. So I think you're right - it reverts to 0 unless they issue something.
They will open retention for one slot Chinook per day starting July 15th for most of the inside.
Same as the last few years.
If not there will be a lot of pissed off people.
We'll be checking in at Telegraph cove on Monday July 15th and fishing that evening through to the morning of the 18th. Any recent reports would be greatly appreciated. It's my first trip there but my buddy has fished it 3-4 times so we have a general lay of the land.
Fish8ng has been stellar for both Springs and Coho but today's report was was slower on the spring side
Just got back from fishing up there for a month, we had the early season up past bend island for chinooks was very very good no tyeees but lots over the 80 cm rule ERRRR. this past week pinks coho and sprngs everywhere usual spots bold head swanson craycroft etc , lings for me this year was very good ..im sure they are glad im gone. still one of the most beutiful areas around...
Just got back from fishing up there for a month, we had the early season up past bend island for chinooks was very very good no tyeees but lots over the 80 cm rule ERRRR. this past week pinks coho and sprngs everywhere usual spots bold head swanson craycroft etc , lings for me this year was very good ..im sure they are glad im gone. still one of the most beutiful areas around...
Thanks for the report wolf. I I was curious, what is the theory on the early season fish up Clio direction--are those local Knight Inlet fish or various runs chasing eulachon. Seems like this was a bigger fishery in the past, but I really don't know much about it. I meant to get up there in June but went Wells pass direction instead. So many options to go in this area, that's why I love it.
I think thats the case there was a few whites in the mix and a few hatchery fish as well. I work for coastal springs float lodge so its quite a bonus to have a fishery to fish . I must say its pretty sad to roll into telegraph in june and see maybe 6 boats in there!!! DFO has really screwed alot of communities over , It more then worth the run to fish upper parts we did very well. maybe ill see ya up there next year
I’m heading up to TC tomorrow, just curious what the fishing has been like. Looks like it might be a little wet for the first few days.
I remember years ago at TC. All the little boats hanging around the entrance waiting to follow the one guy with radar across the straight. Fog could be brutal and last most of the day. Part of the experience.
I’m heading up to TC tomorrow, just curious what the fishing has been like. Looks like it might be a little wet for the first few days.
Pinks, so, ,so many pinks. But when you get away from them there are some nice coho around. Saw one at the cleaning table 12+ lbs.
I remember years ago at TC. All the little boats hanging around the entrance waiting to follow the one guy with radar across the straight. Fog could be brutal and last most of the day. Part of the experience.
From 2000 to 2003 I was one of the only boats with radar and always had a trail of boats behind me