2023 Nanaimo Reports

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Oh - are the wind reports not typically reliable for the Nanaimo area? windfinder.com shows Entrance Island:
2 knots Friday 8am
4 knots Friday 11am
6 knots Friday 2pm
5 knots Friday 5p
I hope you're right. I just find it takes a day for it to lay down after blowing for several consecutive days. Only one way to find out!
Yeah I am going solo Friday morning for last kick at can before weather event. Wind should be fine for a few hours or so first light. See in morning....

Honestly Sooke would be better wind wise. Shorter distance from Mill Bay.
Yeah I am going solo Friday morning for last kick at can before weather event. Wind should be fine for a few hours or so first light. See in morning....

Honestly Sooke would be better wind wise. Shorter distance from Mill Bay.
Funny you should mention that because I chose Nanaimo thinking it would be less windy than Sooke, even though it is a bit closer and possibly better fishing (?). But my wife doesn’t like rough water and windy.com almost always shows green through there (so near 20knots) and most times I’ve been down there in the past it’s usually pretty choppy on the Juan de Fuca as it is so exposed. BUT looking at tomorrow’s forecast it might actually be ok in Sooke.
I'll be out in Nanaimo tomorrow morning for hopefully the last decent day before my vacation ends. 3rd trip solo... if you see a guy in an Arima 17 doing circles while he messes with the gear, or overcomplicating the launch and retrieve, that'd be me.
Water was glassy this morning, wish I could have made it out. Anyone have any luck today? I'm going to try to get out this evening if possible. Hoping that rain we had this week didn't draw all the fish away.
I'll be out in Nanaimo tomorrow morning for hopefully the last decent day before my vacation ends. 3rd trip solo... if you see a guy in an Arima 17 doing circles while he messes with the gear, or overcomplicating the launch and retrieve, that'd be me.
Was that you with the tiller ?
Pulled the boat today but decided to give it one last shot and within 20 minutes Got into a really nice fish in tight at the Grande, good fight, long runs had him twice almost within net range but eventually lost him. Biggest fish of the year I had on, so they are still out there! 90’ on the string 4” herring aid spoon.
Was slow for me out there except for finding a patch of fish on bait off Pipers. Brought 3 mature 3 year old spawner males 9-11 lbs in an hour shortly after losing a nice puller. Felt fortunate to have some action while it felt over. Good way to end the season for me.

Fokker out!
Let's first say it wasn't like glass out there mid morning. That easterly really sucks!

Slow for me today. Fished from Neck to Clark and just little chinooks. Found a big surprise further out later in day. Got on top of larger school of Coho. Hooked into over 20 of them. Kept one hatchery.

This was really a great season. That's a wrap on chinooks for me for a bit.
It was actually pretty good for me. Steady Coho action off Fingers straight away. I lost count after 7 or so wilds released. Two of them on a solo double header. Did get a hatch within the first hour though, and another one towards lunch time. Managed to find one Chinook as well. Not a huge one but legal. After I hit my limit on the Coho I tried over by Pipers and Neck to find one more Spring, but never did. But 3 in the box is fine by me. Unfortunately, I nailed something with the prop on the way back in I think. So that really is probably it for me this year.
Does anyone use black hootchies during the winter around here? I talked to a guy a few years ago who said that's all he uses during the winter in these parts and he is consistently successful. And the black flasher @JWS is using... is that just to give the spoon action or is it also attracting with vibration? I have never done much off-season fishing so am curious as to what gear leads to success out there.
Does anyone use black hootchies during the winter around here? I talked to a guy a few years ago who said that's all he uses during the winter in these parts and he is consistently successful. And the black flasher @JWS is using... is that just to give the spoon action or is it also attracting with vibration? I have never done much off-season fishing so am curious as to what gear leads to success out there.
I’ve always liked green and white flasher and an army truck hoochie. Black and white is referred to as “cop car” I like green and white spoons, with a six ft leader, flasher is just an attractor. I usually fish one combo on one side and another on the other and see what gets more hits. They say darker colours as the fish get darker, I don’t know though. I just use tried and true, army truck hoochies, cop car hoochies, cop car spoons, green and white hoochies spoons. Chovies herring,They all work. Good luck out there!
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