2023 Campbell River Reports

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they almost always come unpinned by the boat when they do their death roll.
Do you have a swivel between your lure,line and the assist hooks?
mike: i was trolling plugs right on the surface and then began using deep sixes trolling modern spoons to great success. i have been strictly jigging as of late because i’m obsessed. i’ve hooked into many a coho jigging where you mentioned, but they almost always come unpinned by the boat when they do their death roll. my wife jigged a nice hatch last night. guess i have to lose the rubber hooks 😀
I only jig on the shoal but I watch guys trolling and wondered what depth they use to avoid disaster.
We've recently moved to CR but have mostly fished in Sooke. We hope to start fishing in September. Is there coho fishing in October ?( like Sooke) Thanks! Xena
mike: i was trolling plugs right on the surface and then began using deep sixes trolling modern spoons to great success. i have been strictly jigging as of late because i’m obsessed. i’ve hooked into many a coho jigging where you mentioned, but they almost always come unpinned by the boat when they do their death roll. my wife jigged a nice hatch last night. guess i have to lose the rubber hooks 😀
Suggest you ditch the trebles and get some assist hooks on those jigs.
I've been having success with a staggered assist hook setup. The hooks are tied to a swivel in the head of the hoochie. Short strikes end up with the circle hook in the corner of the jaw.

Hoochies and jigs are interchangeable.
jonesing to get out there but this wind is cramping my style. i tried to get my oldest boy out tonight. left big rock and gave it the old college try but it was just too gnarly. 25 +knot winds and green waves with the winds blowing the cape off the top. turned the ship into the wind and waves and was taking waves right over the canvas top.

ah well. i did note heaps and heaps of bait off the hump and creel survey girl sed the pinks have been relentless
Been watching windy and winds seem to be improving next week (fingers crossed), but need to ask how it is crossing between quadra and Cortes when >20kph? Not much fetch if from the NW so hoping I can tuck into some sheltered areas if required . I’m in a 23’ aluminum, though a not a real sharp hull.
there’s no where to hide out there is a SE or NW.

south end of quadra to south end of cortez thru bakers pass is about 20 minutes on a good day so it’s all doable but take your time and don’t quarter into the waves and you should be fine in a 23’
Been watching windy and winds seem to be improving next week (fingers crossed), but need to ask how it is crossing between quadra and Cortes when >20kph? Not much fetch if from the NW so hoping I can tuck into some sheltered areas if required . I’m in a 23’ aluminum, though a not a real sharp hull.
All depends on tides and which way the wind is blowing, can be 30 knots NW with a big flood and it will be 6 inch ripples. Conversely with a 15 knot NW and big ebb there will be standing 3 footers in discovery and off Francisco. For NW you can aim for Marina reef and then scoot through Uganda pass to get towards the Penns or Lewis, or for SE hug the Quadra side in Discovery and surf it up Sutil until in the lee of Marina. If going to Bakers from Francisco during a NW is an easy surf generally, no shelter in a SE and it can get real nasty between Mitlenatch and Hernando.
Hi All

Testing some scientific echosounder and camera equipment in the next few days so will be looking for large deep aggregations of Herring. Any tips on recent observations of thick bait layers (with precise location and tide stage if possible) from last few days would be appreciated!!!
FYI... Caught a 78.5 cm chinook off Wilby green can today. Turned out to be a 'white spring'.
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