COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll
FN1155-COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll - Chum - Area H - Area 12 and 13 - Johnstone Strait Openings
Further to Fishery Notices FN1143 and FN1153, the Area H Johnstone Strait Chum fishery will proceed based on a more precautionary approach that reduces the overall commercial exploitation rate on the Inside Southern Chum aggregate.
Area H Troll Johnstone Strait Chum harvest opportunities will be managed as an Individual Transferable Effort demonstration fishery subject to in-season assessment information. Based on the reduced exploitation rate, the number of overall modelled boat days to the Area H fleet will be reduced from 225 boat days to 180 boat days.
Each licence will be assigned an allocation of five (5) days of transferable effort, however, to remain within the maximum of 180 boat days, the fishery may close prior to October 31, 2022. The Area H Troll fishery will open on October 14 and remain open until a fleet-wide total of 180 boat days has been fished. There will be a one day closure on the Area B Seine fishery opening scheduled for October 21, 2022. It is imperative that Area H vessel masters follow the requirements of the conditions of licence to provide daily catch reports prior to 08:00 following each day fished as it will determine how long the fishery will remain open. If a vessel has filed a start fishing report and has not closed a fishing trip they will be counted towards the total boat days and the fishery may close prior to achieving 180 boat days.
Boat days will be transferable only among Area H licence holders. Transfers to other gear types or licence holders are not permitted.
A fishery notice with an update on the second opening starting October 22, 2022 will be provided.
Area 12:
Troll will open from 00:01 hours October 14 to 23:59 hours October 20, 2022 in the following Subareas:
12-1, 12-2;
A portion of 12-3 (closed south or inside a line from a boundary sign at 50 degrees 29.137 minutes north and 126 degrees 34.245 minutes west to a boundary sign at 50 degrees 29.255 minutes north and 126 degrees 36.680 minutes west (Tsitika River boundary);
12-4 and 12-5.
Area 13:
Troll will open from 00:01 hours October 14 to 23:59 hours October 20 in the following Subareas:
That portion of Subarea 13-3 northerly of a line from a boundary sign at Orange Point to a daybeacon on Steep Island and westerly of a line from a daybeacon on Steep Island to an unnamed point on Quadra Island located at 50 degrees 05.565 minutes north by 125 degrees 15.769 minutes west;
13-7 (excluding Deepwater Bay, from the boundary sign at 50 degrees 11.434 minutes north and 125 degrees 20.268 minutes west to the boundary sign at 50 degrees 10.861 minutes north and 125 degrees 20.885 minutes west);
13-8 to 13-10;
a portion of 13-11 lying west of a line from Bodega Point on Quadra Island, to a boundary sign on Quadra Island at 50 degrees 16.390 minutes north by 125 degrees 22.620 minutes west;
13-27 to 13-29;
13-30 (excluding the Amor de Cosmos Creek mouth boundary, closed in those waters surrounding the mouth of the Amor de Cosmos Creek inside the radius of a circle 337 m in diameter intersecting the shoreline at 50 degrees 21.862 minutes north by 125 degrees 41.164 minutes west [east of the creek mouth] and 50 degrees 21.658 minutes north by 125 degrees 41.630 minutes west [west of the creek mouth]);
13-31, 13-32, 13-35;
a portion of 13-40 lying west of a line running from the boundary sign on West Thurlow Island (approximately 1.5 miles east of Eden Point) to the boundary sign on the opposite shoreline on Hardwicke Island.
Variation Order No. 2022-JS-TR-001
1. The target species to be retained is Chum Salmon. Pink Salmon may also be retained. There is non-retention and non-possession of Sockeye, Coho, Chinook and Steelhead.