2020 Nootka Sound/Esperanza Inlet Reports

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I had same circumstance across from the Seaplane Tie up. No word of a lie, we were coming in, the pilot looked right at me, could see we were coming in, untied, started up and boxed me out (well that's how I felt). I ran aground , bent my prop slightly but was going slow enough I stalled out.
Are you guys talking about gold river launch or cougar creek?
I wonder if it’s better to drive to Tahsis instead of gold river. Seems like Esperanza inlet has all the fish now

Nootka has plenty of fish right now. Last week was on fire. As good as it gets in my experience there. Lots inside and always the option to go to the Lighthouse and Maquinna if weathers good. I heard lots of guys last Saturday say they had limits inside.
Fish are showing on the inside now in Esperanza. Rosa has been good in the morning, but there were well over 20 boats trying to do that tack this AM. This evening everyone else went back to Tahsis or Zebellos, but all the boats from our lodge took the 8 minute run over to Rosa for an evening bite that has happened every night this week. All the boats got fish, biggest about 23lbs. Nice fishing it with just a few boats, calm seas and sunny skys! 20200722_202621.jpg
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There will be 2 more boats on the water today,

@Hellbent223 and I are heading up later today till Sunday
Anchoring up by lighthouse tonight, then mooring up at Critter 2 nights..my sweetheart likes her showers:)
(or maybe its she likes "me" to have a shower?!:cool:)
Might see some of ya up there, stop by say hi
Good luck all , stay safe
Stayed/Fished Nootka Sound from July 16-22. Lots of fish inside from 17-24lbs. Morning bight at first light was on fire almost every morning. Had favourable slack tides for the morning which always helps. Mid day tide change produced as well as the evening. As mentioned earlier the water temp was 70+ in some spots inside so found we were going a little deeper in some spots to get them. Weather was smokin hot and big NW winds so we didn't get offshore for bottom fish. Plenty of inside action on springs to keep us all entertained. Small spoons out fished the bait for us, bait was working good but a lotta little shakers around so it was just easier to fish hardware and it was working good. Scrubbing the shore in the am and moving gear down 50-70 in the afternoon worked. Waters cooler closer to the outside maybe worth a trip out and around if the weather allows. Already missing it up there as I type in my office. Camel, Hoiss had their fair share of bites but there's lots of places these fish hold up for sure. Find a tack and let er rip

Good luck to those still waiting to get up there this year.

Is there camping allowed at cougar creek? They have any power sites , fresh water or is it a random first come first serve type of facility? Had some reservations issues at Moucha so I’m looking at a alternate solution.
Does anyone know what time the GR launch opens at in the morning/closes at night? Thanks

Opens at 5.30 AM, and goes on through till about 9.30 or 10.00PM

Is there camping allowed at cougar creek? They have any power sites , fresh water or is it a random first come first serve type of facility? Had some reservations issues at Moucha so I’m looking at a alternate solution.

Lots of camping at Cougar Creek, some beautiful sites. No power or water hook-ups, no sani etc. No cell phone, no pay phone, no Wi-Fi etc etc. Whatever you need, take it in with you. Can get water out of the creek. Camp hosts will probably be able to find a spot for you to camp and park.
Is there camping allowed at cougar creek? They have any power sites , fresh water or is it a random first come first serve type of facility? Had some reservations issues at Moucha so I’m looking at a alternate solution.
Is there camping allowed at cougar creek? They have any power sites , fresh water or is it a random first come first serve type of facility? Had some reservations issues at Moucha so I’m looking at a alternate solution.

Just like Pacemaker says.
Thanks fellas, I haven’t paid much attention to some previous posts as there was talk about the dock not being in or boats not allowed to be moored over night? It’s a 18hr drive for me so just want to be prepared. In thinking of arriving next Wednesday the 29th and stay till the Sunday or Monday of the long weekend. The site says no reservations and with the long weekend I’m just wondering if there’ll be room. I’m just gonna be tenting it with my kid.
Where is nearest place to Critter/Gold River to buy supplies? (Groceries and/or fishing gear.)


You will want to stock up on your shopping etc in Campbell River on your way through to Critter... Gold River is a nice little town, but doesn’t have much for shopping or supplies...
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