RE . Bamfield road
i have been meaning to send this along , sorry for so late .
i will give the short version of this letter sent to me .
The road to Bamfield is on Crown land and under license to Western Forest Products who operate and maintain the road. Another section is licensed to Mosaic Forest Management as an industrial road . The ministry has a long standing agreement with these companies through which we provide supplementary funding of approximately
$452,000 Annually . The forest companies are responsible for ensuring the route is maintained.
Ministry staff have reached out to the Huu-ay-aht first nations and are providing technical expertise and assistance to them while they undertake an engineering investigation into improvements and hard surfacing Bamfield road. this information will inform the Huu-ay-aht First nation on the level of investment required to hard surface the road and help them seek out potential funding partners.
Our next step is to form an action group with the Huu-ay-aht First nation and other key stakeholders to develop a plan to look specifically at how to improve safety on the road.
Should you want a update on the progress of this work, please do not hesitate to contact the ministry's local District Manager , Michael Pearson. he can be reached by telephone at
250 751-3287 or by email at and he would be pleased to assist you.
Claire Trevena
copy to John Horgan.
The Premier met with the Huu-ay-aht First nations on NOV.14
To me this looks like no chip seal in 2020 .
So Macdaddy , does this help a wee bit ?
Not really !