2015 Tuna Adventures

I had a 200b short hand line snapped on m one time. Sounded like a fire cracker. Saw nothing only heard the bang.

Buddy was skunked out of Tofino today.
Headed out of bamfield this morning 37 miles from beale temp was good only got a few lines in and had 4 hit. got 3 in 10-12 lb trolled and hooked up steady bigger fish some 25 lb. puled in 26 maybe couple more will see in am when clean them. trolled 9 am till 4 then run back to bamfield steady hits all day hung around 6-8 mile section.
Headed out of bamfield this morning 37 miles from beale temp was good only got a few lines in and had 4 hit. got 3 in 10-12 lb trolled and hooked up steady bigger fish some 25 lb. puled in 26 maybe couple more will see in am when clean them. trolled 9 am till 4 then run back to bamfield steady hits all day hung around 6-8 mile section.

Nicely done :cool:.
Looks like Monday is the last opportunity to get out for a week or so. Forecast is for strong NW which will shake things up out there a bit. Nice to see some others out in July.
Waiting for sat pictures and weather, as always.
I went out for chinook and tuna yesterday out of Neah Bay. We had our holds shot full of flake ice on on Sat. (good ice at a good price from the commercial dock) and departed about 4AM. Our first stop was down at "Shark Fin" 48 6.6'N x 125 10.5'W to look for our chinook. It was a long run against a SE wind but we made in there around 7AM. We fished there for awhile with no joy but then I noticed a commercial guy on my plotter displaying AIS and doing a couple circles about 5 miles east of me. Suddenly he shut his AIS off. I thought he must be on a good spot so we ran down that way and fished the same general area but stayed well away from him. We used a red glow splatterback flasher with a choked green label herring about 36" back at 200' on the rigger. We had 5 hits and landed 4 chinook that totaled 90 lbs (20,22, 23 and 25). We were done with our chinook about 10AM. We then pointed our way out to the end of the JDF canyon to look for tuna. We found a fishy looking area around the 3000' line near the end of the canyon and had one hit that stuck for about 30s. After a few clover leafs around that spot with no joy, we continued on heading SE until we got out far enough that we could work our way W-NW without getting back into shallow water. Eventually in the mouth of the canyon between Nitinat and JDF (does that one have a name?), we found a couple of commercial tuna boats working the area. Again we stay mostly out of their way and fished a bit E and N of them. We picked up a couple on the troll and then started heading back home up that canyon. As we got into the canyon (around 48 0.4'N x 125 44.2' W), the fishing picked up and we had 3 doubles in a row (landed 4 of those). With 6 in the boat at 5PM and 60 miles offshore, we had to call it quits so we could get back by dark.

Here's me with two of the kings

and here's the haul for the day.

What do you call a trip where you get both springs and albies? Either way what a day!!!!
What do you call a trip where you get both springs and albies? Either way what a day!!!!
TIRING! - We woke at 3:30, left the dock at 4, drove 2.5-3 hours SE against a SE wind to get the springs and then went further S to get to the end of JDF canyon. We were 60 miles offshore at 5PM with tuna biting good but had to quit so we could get home. 7:30 we hit the dock at Neah Bay (my cat can run pretty fast with the waves at my back and the wind laid down nicely Sunday afternoon). It took until 10:30 ish to clean fish, vacuum pack fish, clean the boat and gear, re-stow the gear, cover the boat and load everything back into my truck for the trip home. We pulled out of Neah Bay at 10:45PM and drove to a hotel in Sequim which we hit at about 1:10AM on Monday. I was completely wiped out and probably shouldn't have driven that tired. Still it was an epic day of fishing as that's the best set of 4 kings I've ever put on board and the tuna were a nice bonus.