Some observations from the other day.
-Suspicious birds are your friend (I just like that saying lol).
-Some times the bait in the area are fast moving. The bird patches on this trip were unreal to say the least. One minute your zeroed in on them, look down at the screen or something on deck, look back and they are 100 yards plus in a different direction! Saury? Black and purple?
- Just because the first two days were hot during the week doesn't mean the day after will be (this is exactly what happened to Fishtofino and I on our live bait trip).
- Reading some articles on line and they suggest quite a bit of chum in the prop wash to start the stop. Something to try for sure.
- Wind sucks big time. Even 8-10 knots. Try to fish glass lol.
- Do not troll with all mono spooled reels (I'll let you find out for yourselves).
- Bright yellow braid attached to your swim bait will catch fish (2 this day to be exact).
- Timing and speed are everything.
- Hang an extra rod off the back corner with a weighted jig in a rod holder with the drag just loose enough to let it keep going down an inch or so at a time (hooked one up this way).
- I think our schools are smaller and one needs to practice how close you can get to them. We did a few stops where we went up wind quite a ways to start the drift and they didn't pan out very good. We also crashed the party, that everyone say's not to do, and did quite well. A few more trips under the belt will help, but all I am saying is try stuff.
- Get a good night sleep the night before because this is one hell of a fun way to fish em. They will kick your azz at the rail

Hopefully Jay will post up some more
