2013 Tuna adventures

This summer long SE needs to die......

This summer SE is the best thing for the tuna fishing. I mean if it has to be windy it is far better to blow SE than the normal NW. From what I understand the strong NW wind is what churns up the water causing cold water upwelling which is nutrient and subject to high levels of chloro and plankton blooming. But this SE that we have been getting keeps the edge close. Maybe churning is good because it may crowd the fish in areas?
I hear ya. We are off to a breezy start this september but luckily it hasn't blown hard.
The SE stacks up a tighter/sloppier swell. Theoretically a NW would also blow warmer surface water inshore, would it not?

Ya, A SE chop on a bunk west swell is going to be hell but if its blowing it may as well be SE if this NW thing is true. This is my first year with lots of SE and the water is close as it gets I think. I am no expert this is just what I have heard and observed. Can anyone add to this?
Didn't get into the slayfest on wednesday thanks to leaving late and having a ****** vhf..couldn't find the fleet:(
Fished the edge of the canyon with a thousand humpbacks and lots of birds but no fish.Ran north a bit into 62-64 degree water with no life and no fish....around 1;30pm Shawn(fishtofino) was running in and we made radio contact,he said it was ON big time about 12 miles out past where I was so we picked up and ran!
Took about 10 minutes for our first hit,we managed to put 5 nice ones on ice and lost another 4 by 4pm,then we had to head in as the kids had a long enough day!

Lessons learned on this tuna trip....make sure the VHF is working good...and just because your in sweet looking warm blue water,doesn't mean your going to find tuna!

Half the few fish I got were on #4 Deadly Dicks(green/silver) and the rest on Mexi flag Zukers

My girls on there first offshore trip!003.jpg
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Great report Chris! Man it looked calm out there. The radio thing is huge. I found I could hear "Not Working" (boat name) really well out there. What ever set up he has seems to work good.

I have to ask what screen that is over your helm on the back deck. Hey Zues it looks huge!!!
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Ya, A SE chop on a bunk west swell is going to be hell but if its blowing it may as well be SE if this NW thing is true. This is my first year with lots of SE and the water is close as it gets I think. I am no expert this is just what I have heard and observed. Can anyone add to this?

NW winds move surface water and due to the Coriolis force this water also curves to the right. So, water that is being pushed down the coast of the island from north to south and veers to the right is replaced by deeper water drawn up from the bottom (Island winter conditions) which would, I assume, push the warmer water further away. SE winds would push water up against the Island. Thanks to Oceanography 101.
In Johnston Strait the water doesn't move on the surface while flooding until the big changes( full or new moon.) On the neap tides the book only shows the current moving out with the ebb. I have been watching the temperatures off of Winter Harbour the last couple of years(late August, early September.) and the warm water seems to move further to the north and onshore during the moons (bigger change.) and offshore while tides are smaller. Keep an eye on it as the tides get smaller in the next week...only a theory but might be something to it. Anyways...the water looks great up here..and I have to work! Good luck to those that get a crack at em!
Thanks for the comebacks on the upwelling info. I am glad I do not have to fish tuna near one of those gaps on each end of the island although the north end of the island has looked good all year.

Another whack of boats fishing out of tofino today. Looks good out there!
Has anyone been checking the sst's in front of Nootka? Haven't seen any north island reports. Would love to run out of tahsis.
I know of a group I believe that our coming out of Mootcha bay today.... will let u know when I get a report... :)
My friend Scooter out today with his friend for the first time & busted their cherry with 35 in the boat on a charter they took. Needless to say, they're hooked & can't wait to get out, but it won't be till next year. Good luck everyone & love this forum.
Well..........what happened today?

Arrived at da beach and was fully expecting some reports.

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Heard Shaun and Mike P did well today.. :0 just waiting for the other report..thought they would have posted ... :)
I personally didn't do as well as on Wednesday, still landed 20. The fish were in patches which is more the norm. We would go for a while with no action and then get a double/triple/quad and then they would move and you couldn't find them. My gear would alternate effectiveness too with the sideboards getting all our fish for a while and then we would get back to back doubles on the plugs and then the propwash clones would get doubles. I think the fish were dropping down with the changing light conditions.

I think Mike's buddy boat (tuna virgins) made a lot of right moves as well as one of the Tofino regular boats.

All in all a great day for the boats at Clayoquot canyon.

Was in weak contact with Tykyt Blue (sp?) at Loudon around noon and Mike was in touch with Why Not and it didn't sound like they were finding them....hopefully they did later in the day.

Taking the rest of the week off for personal business before Sculpin and i go on our tuna adventure down in Ilwaco, Wash next weekend.
I too had the same kind of day as shawn except worse. I caught 3 quick ones first thing and then had four hours without a bite. This happens but usually not while the rest of the fleet picks away at them. By the time I had my 4hour bite most boats were 10 fish ahead if us. Ended the day late with 21. Spoke briefly with whynot at loudoun but never heard from them again. I hope they found some fish.

All and all not a super hot fishing day but good sized fish and there is nothing wrong with working for them. And the weather was real nice for the 7 or 8 boats out that day.
Hey Jeff,

have you talked to Ripley? Any new info as to how it is looking?
Good work out there boys...hope the weather and water continues to hold for you and up until the shootout.
New into the Tuna game and loved the fights I think we weren't to dialed in and couldn't put our finger on what we should have or could have been doing different but all in all a great day. We ended up with 8 good sized ones. Pics of my first Tuna on a rod, was out on the Martins boat saw some of you guys out there. How far back did you guys run the gear and off your boards what length of leader. The Blue and Purple hoochies worked best for us I noticed some boats with someone which appeared to be spotting is that crucial. We trolled pretty much as if we were trolling for salmon not spotting perhaps that was our mistake any insight or advise would be great. Which plugs worked we ran rapela plugs with double triples and they did us no good at all. I think we had a little to much twine and not enough mono are Tuna very finicky about that?

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