2013 Tuna adventures

he Sculpin, too bad Ihave the crew for this weekend, I would love to heve you on my deck, you sounds like the deck hand I am looking for, does not matter what I tell to Slivo, he does the opposite, hope folly next time,
good luck

I would love to be able to hop on your boat someday:cool:. You need to whip Slivo into shape lol:D. Look up the definition of boat ho ha ha.
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Firelight and myself could be boat ho's one day this weekend lol. We are there to work gear, deal with fish, clean up, pay for gas, and get yelled at by the captain :p. I can't wait!!! Excited is an understatement :). Thank you Birdsnest for letting us crew your boat if the weather cooperates:cool:.

Yeah both those guys are good boat ho's
hey opposite has work very well the last two trips WN, 33 each time. I challenge u to break 51 with out me he he... on Sat just a friendly bet. and 20 of those got to be pigs.... go get em boys. Tails up
How much ice do you guy's bring for those numbers? The general rule is 10#'s of ice per fish. So that is 510# of ice for 51 fish. Those fish weigh 22 lb average so that is 1120#'s plus 510#'s of ice for a total of 1632 #'s. That is the equivalent of about 8-9 exta people on board for the already 3 required for those numbers. That makes it 11-12 total capacity of the boat.

What is the person capacity of WN's boat?

I'm not trying to be a smart azz in any way just trying to sort out the reality of it is all. Every boat has it's limit which is well below the allowable catch (if based on a 2-3 man crew). The boat will decide the limit if properly iced down.

My boat is good for 20-24 fish properly iced down. I won't go over this for safety reasons. This is the only reason I am asking and I don't have small boat syndrome ;). This fishery is safety first. Care of the catch is right behind that in my books.
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we cut the head off and gut them right away after a 5 min bleed barrel session then put in holds full of ice, and WN holds can hold about 15 in each and two 150 coolers can hold 6 to 8 fish and now a kill bag. wow that's a lot of tunners if only one day we could be so lucky he he I just finished eating the last of the tuna from last year and it was awesome on the barby.. have fun out in the canyons boys see u next weekend....
The only reason I asked the question was for safety reasons.
The second reason is quality of the catch. These fish are warm blooded. Not something most folks around here are used to.
The amino acids break down with these fish if not properly cared for. This causes an actual poisoning effect with the fish if not cooled down properly. This is the only other reason I bring up the ice thing. I would hate to see someone get sick from not properly caring for the catch. I think it would be rare but hey you never know. I like eating my tuna raw. I can eat a whole pound of the stuff raw in one sitting as it tastes like no other fish. It is candy!!! Give me a bottle of Ponzu (citrus infused soya sauce) and some Wasabi and I'm a pig in a trough lol.
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You can tell visually the tuna that have not seen any ice. They keep their silvers, chrome and blues and greens in the exterior color when they should be white grey and dark blue with no metallic appearance. This trip is from a while back when I went out with blocks of ice. It didn't work so well. Back at the dock with really colorful fish.
How many fish you need Raper
Next time ya enter my tub without leavin me a malli peevo ,
gonna drill a 1/4 in hole in ur ride ,,on the East side..i know where she lives..... : ).. kudratz...

we cut the head off and gut them right away after a 5 min bleed barrel session then put in holds full of ice, and WN holds can hold about 15 in each and two 150 coolers can hold 6 to 8 fish and now a kill bag. wow that's a lot of tunners if only one day we could be so lucky he he I just finished eating the last of the tuna from last year and it was awesome on the barby.. have fun out in the canyons boys see u next weekend....
we cut the head off and gut them right away after a 5 min bleed barrel session then put in holds full of ice, and WN holds can hold about 15 in each and two 150 coolers can hold 6 to 8 fish and now a kill bag. wow that's a lot of tunners if only one day we could be so lucky he he I just finished eating the last of the tuna from last year and it was awesome on the barby.. have fun out in the canyons boys see u next weekend....

I haven't tried the cutting off the head and gutting them thing yet. That probably gives you a lot more room in the holds. Cools the fish down faster too. I am not familiar with the capacities of some of the larger boats like WN's and was just pointing out the weight thing for discussion was all. I wasn't implying that you guys weren't being safe. I don't have holds so I have to do everything above deck. Takes up a lot of space:(. (Maybe I do have small boat syndrome lol) :D:p.
My son wants to do a tuna charter - is it even possible off the west coast? It seems that everything really needs to line up for it to work. we would be 2 - 3 bodies and would be looking to do 1-2 days targeting tuna. Any suggestions?

I posted a trip report with AllRivers in Westport in the "Traitorous Canadians" thread. http://www.sportfishingbc.com/forum...cess-tuna-barf-out-quot-Thread&highlight=tuna There are a few other recommended outfits down there, Rampage and Gold Rush being two others I've heard of. They seem to have it pretty dialed in down there. But if you find good options closer to home, please post them up ... I for one would be keen to do something more local next year, if that's a reasonable option.
Not being a tuna expert, and seeing the amount of ice you guys need and the time you have out there anyway why not clean your fish and filet them and ice them down out there? Wouldn't it give you a lot more cooler room? Just thinking out loud, I will go back in my corner now.
Not being a tuna expert, and seeing the amount of ice you guys need and the time you have out there anyway why not clean your fish and filet them and ice them down out there? Wouldn't it give you a lot more cooler room? Just thinking out loud, I will go back in my corner now.

Too busy fishing to do all that
Not being a tuna expert, and seeing the amount of ice you guys need and the time you have out there anyway why not clean your fish and filet them and ice them down out there? Wouldn't it give you a lot more cooler room? Just thinking out loud, I will go back in my corner now.
You also need bags and deck space and calm enough seas..

Freezing your ice in a deep freeze (-40F) compared to ice machine (maybe -10F) if possible will give a lot more cooling power to a pound of ice. Crushed ice at the dock looks cool but I bet it's often barely frozen (20F). Using a bleeding tank of straight saltwater to get the fish down to water temp (60F) before putting them on ice should save a lot of ice. I think block ice is great for saving space while it's in storage. Just hit it with an ice pick and chip it up when it's time to use on the fish so it's actually surrounding the fish.

Scombroid poisoning does happen: here's my dog's face all lumped up in an allergic reaction on the way to the ER vet after she licked some mackerel slime off my leg. The fish itself went in the cooler so it was safe to eat but the slime stayed on my leg for a few hours and got toxic.

Too busy fishing to do all that

I can barely get the heads off when I am out there let alone chip ice or loin tunas, if they are chompin. when it is slow then you dont need much ice. Another issue with cleaning tuna is they have to be done in a very specific way to avoid contamination with scales and blood. ITs not like lobbing off the sides of a salmon.

Boy oh boy this week is looking good!!!
Also, you don't want to clean the tuna until they are really cold. The skin doesn't peel off well when they haven't been fully chilled down. Probably need to wait 6-8 hrs min.
Any of you tuna junkies fish them like this?

[_6kZHk4Svec] http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_6kZHk4Svec
Any of you tuna junkies fish them like this?

[_6kZHk4Svec] http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_6kZHk4Svec

Cool! That's how the AllRivers boat fishes them in Westport, on the one charter I was on. Troll til you get a hit, then live bait. Might even be the same kinda boat.

Is that how you guys do it up here too?