You have to scroll up to the top to submit it. It's a very frustrating survey to complete as they only give you room for a single sentence at the time and max the amount that you can contribute as far as sentences or words. Scroll back up to the top and you'll see the submit button. Thanks for taking the time to complete it.
They make it not user friendly on purpose so we will get frustrated
They make it not user friendly on purpose so we will get frustrated
Filled it out last night and had the same frustration. Had a lot more to say on several of the topics but pretty obvious that they really don't want to allow you to expand on it. If you don't agree with their political mandate, it's their way or the highway... I can either agree with the current restrictions and regulations which have virtually destroyed the fishery in Area 18 or find somewhere else to fish. They want to make these so called "interim measures" permanent so they don't have the inconvenience of having these bothersome "surveys" in the future. The fact that the current Area 18 regs are accomplishing nothing to save SRKW doesn't matter. The science people in DFO must just shake their heads, but I guess a job is a job. God I hate politicians....
Filled it out last night and had the same frustration. Had a lot more to say on several of the topics but pretty obvious that they really don't want to allow you to expand on it. If you don't agree with their political mandate, it's their way or the highway... I can either agree with the current restrictions and regulations which have virtually destroyed the fishery in Area 18 or find somewhere else to fish. They want to make these so called "interim measures" permanent so they don't have the inconvenience of having these bothersome "surveys" in the future. The fact that the current Area 18 regs are accomplishing nothing to save SRKW doesn't matter. The science people in DFO must just shake their heads, but I guess a job is a job. God I hate politicians....
I told them their question was like being asked if you wanted to be hit in the face with a bat, or a fist, either way you are going to get hit in the face.
Filled it out last night and had the same frustration. Had a lot more to say on several of the topics but pretty obvious that they really don't want to allow you to expand on it. If you don't agree with their political mandate, it's their way or the highway... I can either agree with the current restrictions and regulations which have virtually destroyed the fishery in Area 18 or find somewhere else to fish. They want to make these so called "interim measures" permanent so they don't have the inconvenience of having these bothersome "surveys" in the future. The fact that the current Area 18 regs are accomplishing nothing to save SRKW doesn't matter. The science people in DFO must just shake their heads, but I guess a job is a job. God I hate politicians....
It's incredibly frustrating, but if we don't push back and ask for accountability from DFO and our elected officials, this will just get rammed down our throat even worse than it already is. Keep the fight up and speak up. Support the Public Fishery Alliance and the Sport Fishing Institute. There's a lot coming at us these days and we need to put financial backing behind these organizations or volunteer! Or even better yet do both!
Area 18 has worst restrictions than anyone. One thing that is frustrating is that while Renfrew and Sooke are important I feel the area around Pender just gets accepted. Look at the map it's embarrassing.

It really needs to scale back by half to at least give an area for residents there to go. It also shuts out all the Cow Bay and Mill Bay anglers from chinook fishing in August.

I remember how important that Pender Island fishery was to the Cow Bay guys. That area is locked down with Cowichan chinook closures. None of this was factored in when those whale restrictions went out.
I’m convinced this was set up this way on purpose
I agree it's to make it impossible for anyone to actually complete. You have limited number of words or sentences you can submit and you can't write more than two lines at time without seeing what you wrote. It's a complete joke, but the Federal Government and DFO will tell the public they consulted and made decisions based on this consultation. We need to demand better!

Get behind the organizations fighting against this:

It's a complete joke, but the Federal Government and DFO will tell the public they consulted and made decisions based on this consultation.
Yup, this process is now used by all organizations when making decisions. Consult for the sake of consulting and then trot out the tried and true a "look we consulted" response, when called out on their **** poor decision making.
Just look at the port expansion court case thats about to happen. The engos are taking it to court saying that its prime SRKW habitat lol.

Its going to be 3 coastal fishing user groups

First commercial
Second commercial
Third commercial
Area 18 has worst restrictions than anyone. One thing that is frustrating is that while Renfrew and Sooke are important I feel the area around Pender just gets accepted. Look at the map it's embarrassing.

It really needs to scale back by half to at least give an area for residents there to go. It also shuts out all the Cow Bay and Mill Bay anglers from chinook fishing in August.

I remember how important that Pender Island fishery was to the Cow Bay guys. That area is locked down with Cowichan chinook closures. None of this was factored in when those whale restrictions went out.
Thank you Spring for your insight and comments regarding what has been dumped on Area 18 and particularly Pender Bluffs.The regulations are just ridiculous. For two years now SRKW have stuck their noses into the area around Victoria for a few days at the end of June and then done an about face and reversed back out to the West Coast for all of July and August which according to DFO requires shutting down most of Area 18 from the day of first sighting until Nov.30. How can that be possibly be justified by any kind of scientific reasoning! It can't! Sitting here for June,July August and September watching the thousands of vessel transiting the supposedly no go zone of the INTERIM (whatever that means)whale sanctuary, with virtually no enforcement by DFO tells me that they also recognize that this whole disgrace they have created isn't worth the time, energy, and resources to bother with, as it accomplishes nothing other than destroying a small local fishery and hoping to buy a few votes at the next election from the general public that think they are actually doing something. End of rant....:mad:
Thank you Spring for your insight and comments regarding what has been dumped on Area 18 and particularly Pender Bluffs.The regulations are just ridiculous. For two years now SRKW have stuck their noses into the area around Victoria for a few days at the end of June and then done an about face and reversed back out to the West Coast for all of July and August which according to DFO requires shutting down most of Area 18 from the day of first sighting until Nov.30. How can that be possibly be justified by any kind of scientific reasoning! It can't! Sitting here for June,July August and September watching the thousands of vessel transiting the supposedly no go zone of the INTERIM (whatever that means)whale sanctuary, with virtually no enforcement by DFO tells me that they also recognize that this whole disgrace they have created isn't worth the time, energy, and resources to bother with, as it accomplishes nothing other than destroying a small local fishery and hoping to buy a few votes at the next election from the general public that think they are actually doing something. End of rant....:mad:
Non of that matters to the present governmental entity
Any information from this meeting? I couldn't attend.

There's another thread on this - "IMPORTANT: Feb. 27 Fisheries Town Hall Mtg. in Langford"

The organizers have promised followup info. Tom Davis did an excellent presentation, which should form part of the meeting materials.