Yamaha Throttle cable replacement-how hard is it??


Well-Known Member
So I was taking the boat out yesterday for a shakedown run before I go to the Island on the weekend for my first fishing trip of the year and found my throttle cable would not fully engage. I can push it forward but only get about 25% of the binnacle forward. If I force it, I feel it will break. It's in the shop, but, I'm worried with my tight time line that they may not have it done in time. It's a **** off because I had the cables replaced two or three years ago. Anyway, I may plan as a contingency to buy a couple of cables and prepare to install myself if my mechanics don't get it done. I've got a Yamaha F225 2003 with a 704 dual binnacle. Anybody every replace these? Where's the best place to buy the cables in Vancouver? Any tips tricks? How tough is it to connect at the binnacle end? Should I replace the shift cable and throttle as same time or just the shift cable? Based on my quick research it looks like I need 22 ft cables made by teleflex.
It is not to hard at all,if you have to pull your cable tie small rope to the end so you can put the new one in,see how many threads on each end so on new one put some tape how far to wind them ,I have did
A lot of these before grease up each end ,make sure you thighen the little nuts on the ends after you have tried it
So I was taking the boat out yesterday for a shakedown run before I go to the Island on the weekend for my first fishing trip of the year and found my throttle cable would not fully engage. I can push it forward but only get about 25% of the binnacle forward. If I force it, I feel it will break. It's in the shop, but, I'm worried with my tight time line that they may not have it done in time. It's a **** off because I had the cables replaced two or three years ago. Anyway, I may plan as a contingency to buy a couple of cables and prepare to install myself if my mechanics don't get it done. I've got a Yamaha F225 2003 with a 704 dual binnacle. Anybody every replace these? Where's the best place to buy the cables in Vancouver? Any tips tricks? How tough is it to connect at the binnacle end? Should I replace the shift cable and throttle as same time or just the shift cable? Based on my quick research it looks like I need 22 ft cables made by teleflex.
Galleon Marine in Richmond sells them. If possible bring your old cable with you so can get the exact length
Mine was seized up as well. Had a friend who is a mechanic help me out. The grease in the tube had pretty much turned to dirt. Pulled the cable out of the motor, and reamed out the old grease. New grease and good as new
He's talking about throttle , not steering I believe.
you will likely need new cables.
Ya. Agreed. It just pisses me off that i got 3 years outta a set of cables. And it’s the work effort I’m concerned about. Snaking those cables thru that tunnel I don’t expect to be joyous. Thanks for replies guys.
Tape the ends of the old cable together and tie a pull cord to that end and pull them and the cord through from the other end. Attach the new cables to the cord taped together at that end and pull them back through. It should not be too bad. on the new cables put a piece of tape on both ends of one of the cables so you know which end of which cable you have when connecting them.
Got it fixed. Someone had pushed to throttle forward when engine wasn’t running and caused an issue at the engine linkage connection point. The mechanic lubed it up dissembled it put it back together and it’s fine according to him. I took it out for a run and ya it’s good. I’ll replace cables at the end of year when I Service it. Thanks again guys for the help. I was starting to crap my pants as I have to be prepped for first trip to Nootka Sunday morning. Didn’t sleep well last night worrying about this. Fishing is supposed to relax us.
Lubricating shift and throttle cables in the marine environment is problematic. Initially the cables will seem better, but the lube will hold the salt moisture in and accelerate corrosion in the long run. Better to replace and run them dry if you can in my opinion. For your upcoming trip you'll probably be fine.
Think I’m on the same train off thought as Ryan my first intelli steer cable went three years running it pretty much dry. When I replaced I thought I’d lube as stated in the instructions and barely got a season out of a cable.
Got it fixed. Someone had pushed to throttle forward when engine wasn’t running and caused an issue at the engine linkage connection point. The mechanic lubed it up dissembled it put it back together and it’s fine according to him. I took it out for a run and ya it’s good. I’ll replace cables at the end of year when I Service it. Thanks again guys for the help. I was starting to crap my pants as I have to be prepped for first trip to Nootka Sunday morning. Didn’t sleep well last night worrying about this. Fishing is supposed to relax us.
Buy a spare set and take them with you. It's not a big deal to change them, especially if you tape the new one to the old one. If I remember correctly you spend your time up in the Nootka sound area. They dont take up much room and it would be cheap insurance.
Buy a spare set and take them with you. It's not a big deal to change them, especially if you tape the new one to the old one. If I remember correctly you spend your time up in the Nootka sound area. They dont take up much room and it would be cheap insurance.

Yup, good call. I'll do that.
Done. $280 with of redundancy in my stowage. Peace of mind tho.
Sooner or later you will need to change your cables so the "spares" can go on the boat, and you can keep the best working cable as the spare.