WTB something slightly lighter than a commander 30 and with outboards.

that boat sat at a body shop off marine drive called Sasi Autocraft for years..... I’m talking 20+years ago..... I guess George and his son never did finish it off.
I am sure they built more than one though. I lived a few blocks away and would also see it in the front along Marine Drive for many years.
Kinda a weird-looking boat but man is it fresh (did they fix the sinking problem yet?)
Kinda a weird-looking boat but man is it fresh (did they fix the sinking problem yet?)
Haha I was in the shower thinking that I'm probably going to end up in one of these :oops:
Haha I was in the shower thinking that I'm probably going to end up in one of these :oops:
That'll be a sad day rc. Those ride terribly in a sea and build quality is suspect. There's that specific model on my dock. The guy regularly comments about what a pos it is. Bought it to keep the mrs happy and suprise, she rarely steps aboard. Makes a good picnic boat on a nice day is his take. Pretty expensive picnic boat...
That'll be a sad day rc. Those ride terribly in a sea and build quality is suspect. There's that specific model on my dock. The guy regularly comments about what a pos it is. Bought it to keep the mrs happy and suprise, she rarely steps aboard. Makes a good picnic boat on a nice day is his take. Pretty expensive picnic boat...
Yeah I know all about them and their issues. That's the bloody problem with them though is they check a lot of boxes. I'm not actually going to try and get into one, the thought crossed my mind in like a "oh god I hope I don't end up at Cutwaters again".
If you go for something that small look at the C-Dory Tomcat 255 with a full camper canvas. You'd have as much room if not more. 150 Gal tank, dual 150's. Should be able to pick up a good one for 100-125k CAD outfitted depending on the year. 150hp motors are cheap to get parts for if you are attracted to reefs/logs.

Hey RC, this looks like a good boat for the interim untamed until you find the unicorn. It also has room for the lounge chairs in the back. ;)
Those Honda’s look shiny and easy on the gas bill too.
Remember when this used to be a “fishing” website and we’d talk about what our fishing plans were, what we caught and what we’re gonna catch. Nothing wrong with this thread, it’s great, but, when it’s one of the the most popular ones on a fishing website....you know things have changed.