

Active Member
Is it just me because any time I read through publications I find some disturbing article about future salmon stocks decreasing. I find it distressing but after 2005 I might believe it. I dont know if its the cycle we are going through or if the environment/man are the reasons. I need a slap on the side of the head or some sane reply to calm me down.

B Gibb
Don't know what to tell you Otter,nothing that you want to hear if you want to calm down. Enjoy it well you can boys...
marine biologists are now saying by 2025 if ocean temperatures continue changing because of globel warming there will be no salmon south of the Bearing sea. Better learn to fish tuna or move north.
I was talking to an Englishman the other day he said Mackerel are delicious if you throw them straight in the pan after haulin' 'em up.
Its scary how man has destroyed the world over the last 100 years, were changing so fast we cant even adapt. I think that once a month or so there should be like earth day where no engines what so ever can be ran, and only emergency vehicles can be on the road..give the enviroment a break

To fish or not to fish,
What a stupid question!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, and he will sit on a boat drinking beer for a life time :D
TGIF =Thank God It Floats
Every civilisation contains the seed of it's own destruction.
Those who have money as their god have sunk us as sure as the Titanic.

livin' la vida pesca!
I was talking to an Englishman the other day he said Mackerel are delicious if you throw them straight in the pan after haulin' 'em up.
And some will say that Dogfish are just fine.

I'm not so sure 2005 was a poor season. I'll admit things were pretty confusing for most of coastal BC. The runs all seemed to be late by approximately a month or so and VERY scattered. As one example, when the Sockeye's started showing in the Fraser, people were STILL catching em up northern Island/mid coast.

In the end, they all showed and made it back 'home'. Didn't they?

I know 2005 was one of our best catch ratios. Slow off of the start. Ended FANTASTICALLY - Once you were dialed in to what was happening. Many honey-holes that were thought of being 'early fishing only' (May/June), produced fish in August. While the summer hot spots were slooooow. AND changing almost on a daily basis. When September started to roll through, things were seemingly, starting to look normal.

We did burn up a lot of fuel in 2005........ Networking was more important than lure selection last year. I'm sure that the one's that didn't get involved, had their fair share of 'nice' days on the water. And that's OK. It's about the adventure, right?

- Nope. I'm not ready to change the leaders over to wire, just yet!
- And boy am I EVER glad that I didn't hold down a job within the DFO in 2005!
- REAL curious to see how 06 starts up.

Anywhore, just my thoughts. :)

Some like it rough...
Others just puke!.

Mr. Dean
Fish stocks have tumbled since we migrated to this land. That trend isn't going to change now although there has been a major improvement in our eco friendly attitude.

Also heard that within 50 years global warming will see the last of the salmon down here in British Columbia. Yup, tuna it is.

In the big scheme, we have less impact then we think, ice ages have come and gone since time it self long before we came on the scene and the next one will just reboot north america so start all over anyways. Deep drill cores in the Arctic have even shown some past ice ages have taken over north america within a few hundred years.

Don't worry, be happy.:)
Well i guess tuna fishing will be fun..well be turning into current east coast fishers <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle> 30' cc with twin or triple 300's :P heading 100 miles offshore..it could happen <img src=icon_smile_approve.gif border=0 align=middle>

To fish or not to fish,
What a stupid question!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, and he will sit on a boat drinking beer for a life time :D
TGIF =Thank God It Floats
Another way to look at it...unless the fish themselves change, there probably going to stick around and just adapt to the new temperatures...casue doesnt it take hundreds and hundrureds of years for them a fish to screw upand/or pick a new stream/river to go spawn at??

To fish or not to fish,
What a stupid question!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, and he will sit on a boat drinking beer for a life time :D
TGIF =Thank God It Floats
Good to see Matt's business is growing. He's come along way since the day's with one Grady. Now he has 3. Looks like he's looking for a guide to pilot Westcoast 3, for all you young bucks full of **** and vinegar.

Tournament Proven !