winter springs

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has anybody started winter spring fishing in sooke area yet ?????

tight lines
I usually wait until the end of Nov. to get started.
Pedder usually is good for some decent size winters then I move towards Sooke Bluffs in Jan.
Fish right on the bottom!!

The winters are in sooke but they are not on the bottom they are out in the tidelines between 85 and 105 feet.

Cheers Codfish

tried the tidelines at 85 to 100 feet :)

no luck. We were not way out there , just near the mouth of Beecher Bay.

Then went down to Whilrl Bay. Only 2 other boats! Saw the other boat back at Cheanuh Marina. No luck on his boat or mine!

The guy on the other boat said a lot of the 'winter springs' around Beecher Bay are from springs released in Beecher Bay and from up the coast close by or from the United States! They just 'follow the bait and live somewhere I guesss.

any thoughts>?

Information from head returns of clipped fish has shown the majority to be american fish.More so in the last few years.and larger.The americans are concerned about this and have sent scientists here to study why.Since I discovered this,I have stopped sending in heads.It isn't worth the pin you get.All info is shared across the border.Remember a few years ago when they made a size limit for winter fish.A minimum and a maximum.This was to let american fish get through.If you want to keep fishing,DON'T send in heads or give info to creel surveys!

it must be something in the water
ya<img src=icon_smile_shock.gif border=0 align=middle>

tight lines
Winter spring fishing off Sooke is amazing I took a couple of buddies out Saturday and we caught 15 in a two hour span between 100-150 ft. Didn't really matter what you used. Every time you trolled through a bait ball automatic double headers. the sizes were good as well 6 - 10 pounders. The were full of herring.

cheers codfish.

Oh no, don't say things like that Codfish, I still have one more deer tag to fill before heading out in the chuck again. :-)

I can't wait to get out there again thanks for the report.

where would one launch there Boat to catch those springs ?

Salty Beaver:Normally I would say you could launch at Sooke Harbour Marina but it has been bought out to be developed so I don't know what the situation is there. YOu could try Sunnyshores which is also in Sooke Basin, right on Sooke Rd or you could launch at Cheanuh Marina which is on the reserve in East Sooke. They are open all winter.
Guys you should be aware of this and make your voice heard.

On Nov 1st I attended the DFO open house in Nanaimo. Athough this was my first time attending one of these functions, I was disapointed in the number of recrational fishers that turned out.
There are a number of alarming things happening to our fishery!
One of the most immediate, is a proposal for a new Rockfish Conservation Area (RCA) in Beechy Bay. It covers from inside Fraser Is to Wolf Is and out to Aldridge Pt. If this comes into effect in the 2006/2007 fishing season you can say goodbye to one of the best winter spring fishing spots in protected waters.
Now is the time to speak out! Let your concerns known to:
Gary Logan - Rockfish and lingcod sustainability team
e-mail -
tel - (604)666-6810 fax - (604)666-0417
mail - Habitat and Enhancement Branch
Suite 200-401 Burrard St. Vancouver V6C3S4
Lets try to be constructive and suggest parts of the bay which would still allow the main part of Beechy Bay open for salmon fishing.