Winter springs off Bowen?


Has anyone been out for feeders off Bowen lately? I'm jealous of all the action off the south end of VI! Work is winding down for the holiday season and my mind is turning to the possibility of a couple of days on the water before Xmas. Looks like there might be a couple of good days this weekend. Any news?
I was out on Sunday (only fished for 2 hours) and there was not much going on during our time there. We had one hit but lost it. But that seems pretty typical over there a lot of the time.....hit and missssssssss!!

Good luck and let us know if you make it out as I will try a couple of times in the next couple of weeks.
Magician.......I am kind of laughing as we have NEVER done well over there for the winter fishery but still enjoy getting out. I will take some of your ideas though and put them to test.

We were off the southwest corner of Bowen and then working from there up between Bowen and Pasley area.

Believe me......we do okay through the "good months", but the winters have maintained a mystery.

With the hoochies and spoons I would assume you are still using a flasher for the "smaller" winter's? Rigged up with similar leader lengths etc to a "summer" set up?

Thanks for the info is very much appreciated. :D