winter habour

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I was wondering if anyone has any ideas of places to stay at Winter Harbour. We stayed at Frosty's last year but sorry to say Frosty's has gone to the great fishing spot in the sky. He was one mean SOB but after a week with him he kind of grew on you. I wonder if anyone had heard of the person that purchased the floating cabins and if they are renting them. He was trying to sell it last year I tryed to access his web page but it is gone. Any help is much apprecated.
Come on someone out there must have some information. If not just make something up.
Nice try if I was canadian I might have taken the bait. What is a fin fish? :D Don't all fish have fins?
Have you tried Dicks Last Resort, I see on his web page he is looking after the new cabins up on the hill behind the store
Yes Mike we did try dicks he was all booked up. I may just borrow a friend motorhome and camp up there I have heard the road is a goat path but I guess I might have to give it a try. We did have a blast fishing last year we kind of lucked out finding Frostys he was a little ruff and that was probably why there where openings. I may have to try to run a motor home out there had anyone driven the road to winter harbor lately? I have heard it described as a goat trail I can believe it is that bad.
We drive it every year, sometimes dragging a 20 foot boat. We stop at the forestery office in Holberg and let the lady at the desk know we are on the road, she radios the logging trucks and all is good. it takes about 1.45 - 2 hours to drive in, Watchout for big trucks from 6AM to 6PM
Thanks Mike I think one of us is going to run the boat while the other takes a 25 foot motorhome down the road. Do they run the loging trucks on the weekend? We had a great time last year we could have limited everyday on Springs. We just hit it right the next week we had a freind go out and he hit nothing but a few silvers. I think our smallest fish was 25 in the 5 days we fished.
Limiting out everyday for five days??? REMEMBER your possession limit is 4 Springs.
As far as I know the logging trucks run Mon - Sat 6 to 6
When are you going this year and where did you fish last year at what time??
Thanks Seawolf. We did not keep any more than our limit we brought back 4 springers and 4 Silvers. We might have eaten parts of some of them too. I was up in BC twice last year the the two limits is more than enough fish for the year for my family and we eat salmon at least once a week.

Mike we are going up at the end of July which is when I was up there last year. We fished offshore with all the rest of the crazy people. From what I have heard we had unusual weather we got out every day we where there. I have heard it is not uncommon to get some nasty weather even in the summer. If you are going up there email and I'll give you the details of what,where, and how we fished.
I Have purchased Frosty's and are open June 25/07 for the season if you still need accom. reply and I will try to help you

I emailed you and I wasn't sure that you got the emial do you have anything open for a couple of days from July 26 to the 31? Thanks for the post Joe

you can catch a lot of Salmon inside, but from August 1-Sept 30, you can only keep the Chinooks caught offshore. There's a nice spot on that map where you can troll up and down just behind a small set of Islands that keep it nice and calm, but you are in the chinook non-retention area. You can keep the Coho's though (2 per day).

I have fished there a lot, never offshore, and have caught many many salmon.
North Island, I do belive you can keep springs that are caught west of Cliff point, springs are closed east of cliff point after Aug. 1 and you have to watch all the "sub areas" in the whole sound for marked or unmarked coho
I agree the spot that is closed starts right after you go inside of cliff point. Definitely good fishing at the point when the springs are in. Know a local who never went beyond the islands who every year catches some in the 40's and one 54 lber hugging the kelp.
