I made an impulse buy without any research on a Lewmar Profish 1000 windlass. After purchasing I came to realize the gypsy is oversized for my boat (skagit orca 24xlc). The gypsy requires 5/16" g4 chain and 9/16"-5/8th 3 strand rode.
I'm looking to purchase a chain and rode for it but I'm wondering If prior it is worth downsizing my gypsy to accomadate 1/4" chain and 1/2"rode for capacity reasons? Or am I overthinking this?
Also I'm aware of at least a boat length of chain but I'm curious what the amount of rode is appropriate for my boat? Ive read a bit and it seems like 200' plus is required, with varying scope ratios, I just have no idea what the capacity of my anchor locker.
I intend to get a Rocna anchor for it and will get a separate anchoring system for halibut.
Thanks for the help.