Went out today and pulled up 5 undersized Lingcod, It's like I found the nursery. Out of Pedder Bay. Did pick up a 20# Cabezon though.
Did you keep the Cabezon MadJigga? I know they're pretty ugly looking, and a lot of people don't even know what species they are when they get one. I've never caught one that big before, and I've only kept one to eat. It was amazingly good eating when marinated and skewered with some prawns and veggies and cooked as shishkebs on the BBQ. A lot of guys slag them off for eating, but I generally disregard what most guys say about a lot of fish species until I cook one up for myself. I find most of the time getting a good eating dinner out of a generally not so prefered fish is very easily done. I think it comes down to a combination of good cleaning, bleeding, icing, and eating the fish while it is fresh. Having an appropriate recipe for the selected type of fish, and not overcooking is of course very important as well.
Some of the species that I have cooked (and like) that are generally not well regarded are:
Pink Salmon - fresh, or smoked (not frozen)
Pacific Cod - (not the Rockfish species)
Black Rockfish - aka sea bass
Sablefish - excellent smoked, but also other ways with the right recipe.
Arrowtooth Flounder - must be cleaned, Iced and cooked very quickly before the enzyme in the flesh turns the meat mushy.
Dolly Varden/Bull Trout
White Springs - fresh, or smoked, or even deep fried is very good.
Probably even more species I quite liked, that a lot of people don't, if I really thought long andand hard on it. I think retaining under utilized species is the best use of our oceans resources. There is almost no conservation issues with a lot of these under appreciated species, and when prepared correctly I think a lot of them are quite delicious.
Sure you don't get bragging rights with those nasty looking critters from the deep, but I think a lot of them taste better than a 30 plus pound Chinook when prepared correctly. That is just my opinion, because I know a lot of guys think otherwise.