Whats Happening in Bamfield?

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Heading to Poett Nook on Wed. AM for a week, Hows it been and are there any Hotspots close to Poett as I only have a 16 1/2 ft. Campion with a 60.I thought that Sarita or Rainy Bay might be producing some Coho by now. Any reports would be appreciated Gents.

Good Luck & Good Fishin!<img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>
cree is producing huge numbers of coho and also haveing good chinook fishing, id say in 2-4 weeks the fishing should be really picking up around pill,diplock,holfordbay area for coho. but there should be some fish around the areas right now though.
cree is producing huge numbers of coho and also haveing good chinook fishing, id say in 2-4 weeks the fishing should be really picking up around pill,diplock,holfordbay area for coho. but there should be some fish around the areas right now though.
3 weeks ago we got a 13lb northern at KIrby!!! huge for that early in the year.thing would have been a monster by the time it hit the rivers. some coho are bein takien inside...not in great numbers but it should be half decent
3 weeks ago we got a 13lb northern at KIrby!!! huge for that early in the year.thing would have been a monster by the time it hit the rivers. some coho are bein takien inside...not in great numbers but it should be half decent
Thanks for the reports Fella's. Can't wait to get there. I've had my share of catch and release Rainbow and Cutts this Season and would be thrilled to Boat a few Salmon to Serve up at a Summer BBQ or two.
Cheers<img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>
Thanks for the reports Fella's. Can't wait to get there. I've had my share of catch and release Rainbow and Cutts this Season and would be thrilled to Boat a few Salmon to Serve up at a Summer BBQ or two.
Cheers<img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>
Fished Bamfield 7/4-7/12. Lots of fish but still a little on the small side, at that time. Socks up the inlet and both Chinook and Coho lower. Used both downriggers and divers and the fishing was good just about everywhere we tried.

Good Luck
Fished Bamfield 7/4-7/12. Lots of fish but still a little on the small side, at that time. Socks up the inlet and both Chinook and Coho lower. Used both downriggers and divers and the fishing was good just about everywhere we tried.

Good Luck
Your right Skip lots in the 8-14 pound range out at Laperouse. The mutts were there for a few days, a couple in the mid 30's but they've moved on. Should be their any day now!!

Thats Mr. Bags to you
Your right Skip lots in the 8-14 pound range out at Laperouse. The mutts were there for a few days, a couple in the mid 30's but they've moved on. Should be their any day now!!

Thats Mr. Bags to you
Fished there yesterday (Sunday) and we really hit into coho off the wall during midday slack. Lost one at the net that was well over 10 pounds. Is it just me or do the coho seem larger this year??

This was also the first time I've ever changed lures because it was catching too many salmon. I was using a white with pink reflector coyote spoon and was realing in small 2-5 pound feeder springs every two minutes. My arms were getting too tired working the riggers. If I hooked a bigg'un I never would have had a chance.<img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>
Fished there yesterday (Sunday) and we really hit into coho off the wall during midday slack. Lost one at the net that was well over 10 pounds. Is it just me or do the coho seem larger this year??

This was also the first time I've ever changed lures because it was catching too many salmon. I was using a white with pink reflector coyote spoon and was realing in small 2-5 pound feeder springs every two minutes. My arms were getting too tired working the riggers. If I hooked a bigg'un I never would have had a chance.<img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>
went out to big bank today. blowin 20 southeast so it wasnt the most comfortable day of fishing. could barely even keep the boat straight in it. started off with a 25 lb spring right off the bat. followed that up with a couple chickens. Coho started hitting one after another. We were gettin them on trout rods with coyotes and they were takin it right off the surface when the line was in the clip ready to be dropped down. Largest was a nice fatty about 13 or so. so all in all not a bad day...4 hali's, 3 springs, tons of coho....and only 2 doggies.
went out to big bank today. blowin 20 southeast so it wasnt the most comfortable day of fishing. could barely even keep the boat straight in it. started off with a 25 lb spring right off the bat. followed that up with a couple chickens. Coho started hitting one after another. We were gettin them on trout rods with coyotes and they were takin it right off the surface when the line was in the clip ready to be dropped down. Largest was a nice fatty about 13 or so. so all in all not a bad day...4 hali's, 3 springs, tons of coho....and only 2 doggies.
Your right Skip lots in the 8-14 pound range out at Laperouse. The mutts were there for a few days, a couple in the mid 30's but they've moved on. Should be their any day now!!

Thats Mr. Bags to you


Mr. Bags:

The "Wonder Bread" Coyote was the hot ticket for us. We never did get too far because we were really into 'em and couldn't make ourselves experiment or try new places. We found it hard to leave a sure thing. If it wasn't broke, we didn't want to try to fix it, is the way I would say it, I guess.

Anyway, we had a great trip and I am hooked on the Sound. Can't get back this summer, but will be back next year for sure.

Your right Skip lots in the 8-14 pound range out at Laperouse. The mutts were there for a few days, a couple in the mid 30's but they've moved on. Should be their any day now!!

Thats Mr. Bags to you


Mr. Bags:

The "Wonder Bread" Coyote was the hot ticket for us. We never did get too far because we were really into 'em and couldn't make ourselves experiment or try new places. We found it hard to leave a sure thing. If it wasn't broke, we didn't want to try to fix it, is the way I would say it, I guess.

Anyway, we had a great trip and I am hooked on the Sound. Can't get back this summer, but will be back next year for sure.

Hi Guys, just got back tonight from My trip to Barkley/ Bamfield. Incredible, slayed em every outing, however no real large ones for us. Landed a 22 1/2 lb. and 18 1/2 lb. plus a few Coho in the 7 - 11 lb. range. Everything else was feeder size but non stop action. Had an awsome time thanks to your tips Gentlemen. You know its good when the charters are asking where and how. LOL Cant wait to head back out ther, other than the broken trailer hitch and blown brake line, Oh and the 4 hr. wait for the Ferry last night. Almost forgot about the Guys trying to steal me blind while we were sleeping in the boat at the Duncan Canadian Tire parking lot. Ende up in Duncan because our Ferry from Twassen to Nanaimo was running late and instead they got us on the Swartz Bay Route The fishing was so great for us that all this Crap happening didn't even phase us, even the $1.04 / ltr price of Boat fuel.Be back next year or maybe even this Fall<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

Cheers Fellow Sportsfishermen/Women