What LB test to use?

With a flasher I'd say 25lb minimum. The fish pulling or strong currents can put a huge amount of pressure on your line.

Personally, I run 30lb trilene and 40lb Big Game for leaders. Since switching to that setup I have not lost a flasher!
Chris, this isn't a problem with breaking the tip eye...this is winding until 3 to 4 inches of the rod snaps off...LOL I repair them once and use them until the next time then chuck em. Hasn't happened as often lately. Used to have quite the collection of bottom halves of rods laying around just in case I blew one up.
Hey Guys,

I noticed that most of you use a heavier weight leader than main line and I was wondering what the thinking is behind this. Everything I previously read was to go lighter in the leader than the main line to reduce visibility to the fish and to prevent losing gear up-line of the leader. You might lose a fish, but you still have everything else.

The only time I've ever used heavier leaders than line is when I've gone steel for Pike to keep the teeth from shredding the line.

Help me out here?

Extinction is Forever
For salmon the mainline being lighter gives more stretch and the heavy leader is to prevent the teeth abraiding it.

I guess it comes down to we would rather loose all our gear over loosing the fish :P

quote:Originally posted by fishflyguy89

Its almost like they should sell replacement top halves of rods [:p]


There is 4 or 5 different models available depending on what type of rod you want-where you can buy just spare tips- let me know what rods they are and I might be able to help:)
Bass, you really only need to worry about loosing gear if your fishing structure right on the bottom. Most of the summer salmon fishing is done danger free so to speak. Biggest worry is loosing all the gear to a seal when fishing heavier leaders. I would rather loose 5 or 6 flashers in a season than 15 or 20 more big fish due to being sawed off. Everyone works to hard these days for the few big fish chances each season.