What Did You Do To Your Boat This Week?

Took it out for its maiden voyage since converting to splashwell transom and adding the hardtop. At 5400 RPM I can hit 27.3mph on the gps and cruise at 22.5mph at 4500RPM. Burned 7 gallons and put on 34 miles without a hitch. I was pleasantly suprised that all the math worked out and I don’t need to move anything or make any changes at all really. It’s like winning the lottery. Couple drink holders the wife says lol. Wipers, horn and some odd and sods to finish it off but all I’m doing for now is mounting my kicker and then going fishing for the rest of the summer. Resized_20230723_113149.jpegIMG_6908.jpegIMG_6902.jpegResized_20230723_105917.jpegResized_20230723_105914.jpegResized_20230723_105249.jpegResized_20230723_112055.jpeg
Mounted a stern light base, ready to wire to the stern sub panel, now I can go to the fireworks legally.
Laying out a washdown pump and hose kit, trying to get the best spot for inlet and outlet, probably use the hose over the transom method for the intake for now. Will plug into an existing stern Scotty plug, as I added midship rigger mounts and plugs earlier.
Picked up a digital trim sender kit so the trim angle will display on my SmartCraft tach, will install it too.
Working on a mount for a Tri Corp coho trough so its higher and over the engine well. The coho onslaught necessitated a remedy.
Not a fan of drilling holes in a reasonably untouched boat.
There's a tear in my beer.

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Thanks everybody for the compliments. I’m so happy how it turned out, I still can’t believe it.

Clint, that one hell of a makeover you did there. Awesome fishing machine for sure after you’re architectural additions. One to keep for your ancestors. LOL.

My next job is cleaning. Deep cleaning. Things got a little bloody last weekend and the basic scrub down with dawn dish soap didn’t take care of the smell.

I hear a bag of cub ice in the bilge can do a good job of “scrubbing” what can’t be reached below deck.

Any chemicals or products I should stay away from?

Was going to go with the dish soap again for the deck and then diluted bleach for round 2 of the deck plus all other hard surfaces I can reach.


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