Shut down the entire rec fishery for halibut effective imediatly. We will again realize we are all on the same playing field. No more squabling, butting heads No buying Quota etc. carry the unused/entire TAC over to next year, and monitor the numbers closer in the future to ensure we dont go into the overdraft for another straight year in a row. Similar to the reset button that was hit in the big problem mackeral years for Chinnok, complete closure. Then monitor our new 15% of the Total annual alowable catch a little better, rather than going into future numbers. When the rec sector can handle thier alotted piece of the pie without going over, it will be good to go. In the meantime, as a undived unified voice, continue to write letters and raise awareness regarding the whole issue of where the other %85 of the tac is and how it got there in the first place. That, to me is the issue here that people/we have gotten away from, and in turn have become divided in our stand. People buy canadian saltwater fishing licences, that entitles them to harvest all legal species that it says in the synopsis. I think it is un fair for the loads of people who cant get here to catch a halibut before it closes. If people think that the guides are for them selves and money only. SHUT IT DOWN! this is stupid how everyone is babling on arguing back and forth, **** give it a break. Put even an eighth of the energy back into what we did last year with all the letters and meetings, do you think that did not work at all ? We got to fish into Sept! after the long weekend for F-sakes allowing all of us to end the long weeken despite the rec sector had gone over our tac again. There is NO single answer that can have everybody be happy. Lets shut it down and be all on the same page. You want a halibut ? poach it in a complet closure ! see how many people stand behind you, see how loud your voice would be.
My 2 bits
Im in