Website errors | Send us your links and screenshots

Good morning. Thanks for sending the screenshot. We're still waiting for the DNS to fully update and point to the new server with the new SSL certificate. Once the DNS updates fully this issue will disappear. Apologies for this; very annoying.
Forgot to mention ... if you show the details of this message and click "visit the website" you'll get forwarded to the proper secure URL.
Screen Shot 2022-09-10 at 8.50.05 AM.png
no screenshot but I got a “site not found” banner yesterday and had to delete my SFBC tile from my homepage, reinstall and sign back in to finally view the site.
The only way I can get in right now is by going through the email notifications
Issue seems to be passing a secure URL (https) through CloudFlare. Using the regular URL ( works fine. I've got a ticket open with CF and we're working through it. In the meantime, I've turned off CF temporarily and now waiting for the DNS to update again.
Good morning Crew members. I've reset the permissions in all the ad zones. Other than the big ad that drops down from the top of all pages, are you guys seeing ads now? If so, would you mind sending me a link to a thread where you see an ad, and tell me where on the page you're seeing it? Thank you!

I suspect we'll need to contact our Ezoic ad rep. and sort this out. Other than that big ad at the top (the one that's not supposed to be there for any of us), we're not seeing ads either. Although, Brian told me this morning he's seeing the ones at the bottom.

Thanks again,
Ad tab covers the menu tab top left corner....consistently. see attached screenshot


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I have noticed that after I read a thread and go back the my unread threads it does not show that that thread is read. If I go up to New Threads it will refresh and they are then gone.