Website errors | Send us your links and screenshots

Hi All ... a couple of updates.

1. From yesterday's HTML code in the messages—this was a configuration setting that our Xenforo developers addressed.

2. @walleyes and others inquiring why a strip of thumbnail images was appearing below a post image. This was a "Lightbox" image setting in the configuration that displayed all the attached images from a page in a gallery-like strip. I've disabled this setting so you should now only see the image you clicked on and none of the other thumbnails.

Search isn’t working properly, tried searching something common and it showed 2 results. Tried other terms and same deal. Also the page just went white a number of times while on the search page.
Search isn’t working properly, tried searching something common and it showed 2 results. Tried other terms and same deal. Also the page just went white a number of times while on the search page.

I did notice that. With the new magenta islander coming out I know in the past there have been a few individuals looking for them; tried searching the word pink and only a few threads came up.

Heck pinks are one of our 5 salmon'd think there would have been a few more appear.
I'm rebuilding the cache for the search index right now, which should fix this issue. It will be another 10 or so minutes before this is completed.
I am getting email notifications of posts that are sometimes a day or two old and have already been read. Will this lessen in time and go back to a real time basis?
Still getting ads across the bottom of the screen, any chance this will be fixed? I joined as a crew member and one reason was no ads. Thanks
I’ve been looking back through our server logs at the random forbidden / permission errors and repeated notifications some of us were receiving, and it looks like more than a handful of these old issues can be traced back to a proxy server issue, the same one that was at the root cause of ads showing up for Crew members. I’m conscious of jumping too quickly to conclusions or counting chickens, but this recent ad fix could possibly, and unintentionally, have fixed these issues as well.

Please feel free to forward me any info about weird, bug-like behavior you’re experiencing. Thanks!

All images I post appear as a box with a red X in it to me?
Never had this issue here before, and do not have this issue anywhere else?

What the heck is happening?


@ chrisp @ Admin

This is till happening, and apparently the same for some members here attempting to view what I post.

These are standard Igmur .jpeg images that work EVERYWHERE else but here?

What Gives??

@ chrisp @ Admin

This is till happening, and apparently the same for some members here attempting to view what I post.

These are standard Igmur .jpeg images that work EVERYWHERE else but here?

What Gives??

This may be a result of a software update we did last week in our forum. I'm checking with the forum developers. I've heard rumblings that some third-party image sharing services are no longer being supported and are going the way of the dodo (because they either lag behind in keeping their own software updated or pose a security risk or both). I'll let you know what I find out.

In the meantime, we recommend uploading directly to the site from your phone or desktop.

I've heard rumblings that some third-party image sharing services are no longer being supported and are going the way of the dodo (because they either lag behind in keeping their own software updated or pose a security risk or both).

Checked with IGMAR - That is definitely NOT the case with them. They are well on top of these situations.

Only occurs here. Nowhere else?

Any luck??

Unfortunately, the issue is on Imgur's end. They have made changes that prevent their images from being proxied on many major hosts so it's not only us. We've tried adding the Imgur domains to bypass the proxy but, because Imgur uses multiple servers, it does not appear to restore all images. Something similar happened with PhotoBucket when they moved to a paid system.

There is a work-around, but it's going to require that users of Imgur change how they upload their images.

1. Right-click on any of the images from the Imgur website
2. Save them to your phone or computer
3. Upload them directly to the SFBC website using the "Insert image" icon.


(yes, this was saved from Imgur)
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Can I make a suggestion. With the ads now more dominant it would help if the “Threads below have not been updated since your last visit” was larger or the banner was some other colour to make it stand out. I’m finding it more difficult to determine where the updated threads end versus the others. Not a complaint. Just think it would help a few of us old guys.
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