WD-40 as Scent?

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Has anyone here ever used WD-40 as scent?I was told that it works well... but Im just not sure that I want to start spraying all my tackle with penetrating fluid just yet lol.
A considerable number of fishermen have used the WD-40 spray on flashers , bait and assorted other gear without undue negative affects on the fish or fishing, several swear by the oil trail it leaves and that I think is a matter of personal preference.
I spray all my downrigger wire and reels with it and still catch my fish.

not 2 nice 4 the marine enviornment, think we all gotta do are part . i 2 was set strait months back. tight lines scottyboy
quote:Originally posted by alley cat

A considerable number of fishermen have used the WD-40 spray on flashers , bait and assorted other gear without undue negative affects on the fish or fishing, several swear by the oil trail it leaves and that I think is a matter of personal preference.
I spray all my downrigger wire and reels with it and still catch my fish.


There's an enzyme in WD40 which is an attractant to fish. Use smelly jelly or something else....works just as well. If you need WD on your bait and lures to get 'em to bite, you're doing something wrong.

Never used WD40, never will. I could care less what people have observed.

For those so inclined, fish one rigger with the WD, and one without..and FISH EXACTLY the same depths. Fish for extended period of times, and you'll find that the average works out. I think someone conducted this study.
I had some luck with Springs after mushing my hootchies around in some orange Berkley Power Bait. Could have been just a lucky day, but I am going to continue the ritual. Makes me feel better about my lines down there like that, although it does stink up the tackle box a bit after the wrap up. wd40 I am worried that it might have a solvent in it that might soften up my lines. I have seen some mosquito repellant disove hard clear plastic, so I prefer not to use anything that could have solvent. Dont know if that could really happen, but I dont want to chance it anyway, and I know the power bait works in fresh water for bait.
According to charlie white wd-40 works...but then again he only trolls in one direction... got caught with an undersized coho ect...
I don't use wd40 but I do use cod liver oil, the stinky stuff, to shine up my flashers and metal spoons etc. I don't know if it attracts 'em or repels 'em but I don't think it pollutes. I'm tempted to try a bit in my prawn trap bait[8D].
The whole premise is to mask the L-Serene that humans emit. Anything that covers that up will work. Simple one is to put dish soap (dawn) on your hands and don't wash it off, or wear gloves. Also, don't pet your dog and handle your gear, dogs create 5 X more repellant oder to fish than humans. Does anyone know what the base is in WD 40? I was told it was fish, but don't know for sure.
I have been told that, at one time, WD40 contained vegetable/fish oil extracts which provided the attractant for fish. It developed a cult following and people like Charlie White touted it. But over the years the formula has been changed and it is now a purely petroleum based product and is less attractive to fish, but still helps to mask human scent, and all the stuff that people use while out fishing, like sun screen. Don't use it myself, but I'm also a lousy fish catcher.
Don't know if this helps the debate, time for some top rods to do comparison testing?
1 word.. toothpaste... If you want to cover human smell. I have used it for yrs. Dunno if it helps or not, but since I was told about it I have had some pretty spectacular days of fishing!! One of the most memerable was taking 8 tyee's in 3.5 hours at diplock island. I had stinky brined bait so I washed my baitbox with bleach after the morning trip, set out in the evening with new leaders and a clean baitbox.. started fishing @ 4 pm I was back at the dock with my guests @ 7:3o pm. Largest was 38 and the smallest 31!! We never saw another fish taken that night.. people where driving by shaking their heads at us.. it was great!! The very next morning at daybreak we hooked and landed a 49.5!! (no doubt a 50 when we caught it 3.5 hrs before weigh in). I guess every little bit helps, but I still think it is just a matter of being at the right place at the right time :)
I just got a cheap one ie. Colgate or Crest. I used it on flashers too, but mostly just on my hands before I touched the gear.
I keep one bait well loaded up w/ fresh water and enviro friendly soap. Sorry, can't divulge the brand of soap used.

Some things are sacred - Dean. [}:)] ;) [8D]
Wd-40 is now 80 percent Varsol.
I use X-10 to rid the gear of my scent, and have for as long as I can remember, rinsed my hands in the water I'm fishing before handling gear.
Met a new fly fisherman last year on the Oyster River whom wasn't able to even get a bite on his flies. Same gear as others around him catching quite well.
Told him to boil his new flies and then apply the X-10. Made all the difference in the world the next day.
I think that all this attractant talk is mainly a gimick to have us buy more. I have been salmon fishing for over 20 yrs and have never used or had to use anything to attract fish. I had a friend fishing with me on Sat and ask about whether I used a black box or not and I said that i don't. He asked why and I said that on a day like Sat why change anything. We landed over 20 springs on Sat alone with no attractant or black box. No to mention the 11 we landed on Thurs afternoon and friday morning.I think the real key is to use good properly brined bait, fish the right speed and depth. Watch the guides they know what they are doing.
If your scratching for salmon and you have to put your faith in black boxes and scent attractents.. It may be wise to consider moving to where the fish are. On the rare perfect day I can be 25 miles offshore (Big Bank), 25 miles up the canal, or 25 miles down to Swiftsure or Nitnat in about 25 mins [8D]
quote:Originally posted by Rob Warren

If your scratching for salmon and you have to put your faith in black boxes and scent attractents.. It may be wise to consider moving to where the fish are. On the rare perfect day I can be 25 miles offshore (Big Bank), 25 miles up the canal, or 25 miles down to Swiftsure or Nitnat in about 25 mins [8D]

Your boat does 60 MPH? That's one fast Conquest!

What kind fuel is your boat burning at that speed? If you're running a charter...bye bye margin! LOL.
Lots a BIG talk goin' on here, 20 springs in a morning, 25 min. to the big bank, lets get out the shovel!
Heh, ya she's running midgrade boat gas and tops out around 63 mph. Duel 225 hp 4 stroke mercs push it ;)
Rather then moderating a topic I would rather comment! Rob Warren we will someday, although I really hope not read about you and others on your boat in the news paper hitting a log or dead head running at a very unsafe speed to allow time to avoid these in VI waters and it won't be pretty. You are not bullet proof and keep running at speeds over 30 knots and your time will come when you least expect it.

As for scent, black box or other things that may improve your chances in scratchy waters I know the more things you do right the better chances of catching salmon. Yes going to the fishy spots helps but many of us do not have the time or money.

For those that spray WD40 on there downrigger lines or anything that makes contact with a scotty downrigger if they find out your life time warranty will be void due to it's blanching properties that effects the plastic on the down riggers .

Just an educated opinion
Cheers ME