WCWC to hold anti Fish Farm Rally July4!


Well-Known Member
2. Join us for a Salmon Rally on July 4th!

The BC government needs to take action to save our precious wild
salmon from going the way of the Atlantic cod. July 2nd will be the
15th year anniversary of the east coast cod fishery shutdown. As a
first step, the BC government needs to accept and implement the
recommendations made recently by their own Special Committee on
Sustainable Aquaculture, which will help defend our wild salmon
stocks from the negative impacts of salmon farming. Some of the
recommendations included:

* Permanent ban on salmon farms on the North Coast of BC, north
of Cape Caution.
* For existing open-net caged salmon farms on the South Coast of
BC a transition to closed containment within 5 years, with a
biological barrier separating the farmed salmon from the marine environment.
* Moratorium on any new salmon farms until transition of existing
farms to closed containment is complete.
* Fallowing the salmon farms on migratory routes during young
wild salmon migration from the rivers to the sea.
* Move away from industry self-policing and have government staff
conduct random checks without any notice to salmon farm operators.

The BC government must accept and implement these recommendations as
soon as possible, as they are a good first step forward to help
protect our wild salmon.

So join us for a fun Salmon Rally from 11:30am to 1pm, Wednesday,
July 4th, 2007 in front of the BC government office at the World
Trade Centre at Canada Place to help send a message that the BC
government must implement their Aquaculture Committee's recommendations.

Also check out recent videos by a talented film maker on the
devestation sea lice is having on our wild salmon this spring:
www.callingfromthecoast.com or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BcRBwCh6BA

See you at the rally!
Geoff Senichenko
Director of Research and Mapping
Wilderness Committee