Went out early Sunday morning and spent the first hours of daylight until about 10:30 off Pt. Cowan on Bowen. Covered off about 100' of water from 70' to 170' with green and glow and cop car coyotes spoons in 4 and 5", army truck glo and tiger prawn hoochies, with green flashers. not a sniff, but then no one else was hooking up either. Anyone on this site own a 17' Explorer center consol? If so, I was in the 26' Toba.

We also went over to Hole in the wall at about 11:00 and dropped over there as well. Also nothing. Gave up about 12:30 and went home with tail between legs:( Can't argue about the weather though. First time in a long time I could see the Olympic mountain range from Bowen.[8D]

Patience, my *ss One day I'm gonna kill sumthin' :)
Yes, I was one of the few who braved the wind-and-wavefest on Saturday off Bowen Island: one Spring and a bucket of prawns to show for the effort ...and some sunburn. Quite a feast in my backyard was had on Sunday. [8D]
I think the only way some of us are going to enjoy the pleasure of fresh salmon and prawns is to show up at red monsters house.
hint we smell a forum members bbq party?:D
Well..I was out fishing on Saturday..and it got really ugly in a hurry...we packed it in a hurry...however..there was some good news... :) :) We got out early...and we were off the Slash..before it got was actually fishable..and we had 2 line burners...I mean..the rod didn't even dip down or jerk on the strikes..the fish musta hit full speed and ripped that line off the clip like it was NOTHING! But it didn't stick...after the end of the first was G O N E. Reeled in to find everything in tact...including my 5/0 Mustad Stainless Hook which was so sharp that it woulda made any Gamakatsu hook blush. That was no dinky 15 lber..more likely well into the 20's plus plus... :(

Anyways...we redropped and this time on the other rigger after another 20 minutes? we had another..this one hit eXactly the same way...but didn't stick either [:0]...musta been DUMB luck..I haven't had strikes like that since I was guiding in the Charlottes. Anyways...that was all the action we had Saturday...after that...the weather started to build..and we made the run back to the Bellbuoy..and it was game over by that time.

As for Sunday..we got started late, and didn't have much for action...a couple of "nibbles" which were likely shakers..and one HUGE hit on a 5 inch Tomic Plug which was one of my faves from up North... however I was messing with the other downrigger...and didn't see it or get on it in a hurry. It was at 80 feet WAY WAY off the clip...however from the jerks on the was no small fish either...

Have heard reports that there are fish getting hooked in the Harbour still...but sounds to me like they're really capitalizing on their chances...sounds like they've shallowed up less than 100 feet...on the usual Glo Flo Coyotes...that's all I'm hearing...

Anyways..there are some big fish around..the question is whether or not you're lucky enough.

By the way..I'm really looking forward to May...44 lber and 37 lber were hooked locally in May LAST YEAR in the area we were all fishing on Saturday and Sunday! (Guess what I'll be doing in May...heh heh heh)
Went to thrasher sunday,no keepers... had a good hit with some line coming off the real but lost it. landed a 22" on an anchovy.
was seeing tons of "something" on the sounder, lines were even twitching.. was feeling so fishy thought I was going to explode.
didn't last long, checking the lines the first few time came up with jelly guts on the lines miserable cleaning the stuff off.[xx(] even had a whole red jelly wrapped around the cable clip.
any one else running into jellies.[?]
Knuckles, to find some fresh fish you could also try actually putting your boat and then your fishing line in the water. ;) This approach has sometimes been known to produce fish ...though somewhat infrequently in Vancouver.

Magic Man, I'll bite: For newbies like me, where or what is the "Slash"?
quote:Originally posted by Red Monster

Knuckles, to find some fresh fish you could also try actually putting your boat and then your fishing line in the water. ;) This approach has sometimes been known to produce fish ...though somewhat infrequently in Vancouver.

Magic Man, I'll bite: For newbies like me, where or what is the "Slash"?

Slash? 2 to 5 miles south of Cape Roger Curtis. An ambiguous area characterized by current structures, tidal movement, abundance of different forms of feed, etc.. Sometimes called the "hump" as a vague reference to a half-way point from Vancouver to Vancouver Island.

As for catching fish in Vancouver, that's a different story...
Certainly, there's not the abundance of fish relatively speaking depending on area etc...however..the ability of anglers and feeding habits of fish are characterized more by the terminal fishery as opposed to the wild instincts of fish far from their natal rivers. As well, a more sound understanding of angling techniques and the application thereof in a circumstance which will produce fish is CRITICAL to producing fish. Case in point...Johnny Angler..fishes the Wall at Bamfield...hooks 4 springs using a purple haze hootchie. there were 100 springs that could potentially have eyeballed his hootchie..however..the same angler trolling at the WRONG speed, at the wrong depth, may not catch JACK in Vancouver when in fact his lure trolled by 20 fish which are not biting and feeding as aggressively. Example..buddy that fishes the Charlottes and Vancouver Island North and WCVI, comes down to VCR and gets nothing..whereas the experienced, detail oriented, accomplished, and technique savvy angler will hook more fish.

Absolutely Vancouver does not have the same number of fish as other locales..and the size depending on time of year is smaller relatively speaking...however..what really makes a different is attention to sharpening your hooks, having the right colours for the area..etc..

Fishing in Vancouver sucks relatively speaking..but on the other hand.. relatively speaking...many of the anglers from other locations SUCK and don't catch fish in Vancouver more because they don't apply the details and techniques required to catch fish here.

For's a curious bit of trivia...

Did you know that the best colour hootchy for Capilano Cohoes is a colour that NO ONE fishes for them with?..I only came across it by accident when I left my tackle box in the trunk and had to root through the boat for tackle "making do" and..not wanting to head back in to pick it up . Since then it has always outfished the leading hoochy colour and combination for that particular fish by 2 to 1? Or multiples to none? Interesting eh? Shocked me..and sheer fluke on my part for discovering it.

Did you know that one of the MOST POPULAR colour spoons does not catch Capilano Cohoes with the same consistency as Coho elsewhere on the coast?

Most of the fault I would like to suggest though...belongs to the anglers in question..and not necessarily the fish themselves. Case in point..I'll go fishing on 5 different trips and catch a keeper or 2 or 3 or 5 or 6 depending on the species on say...4 of the trips...whereas Johnny Angler who "is the greatest fisher" catches NONE on any of the five trips? Yup..there's lots of anglers in Vancouver that do just that and no longer BOTHER going fishing in Vancouver as a result..however..that's taking the easy way out (in my opinion).

However, not to say that fishing in Vancouver is great..but relatively in Vancouver does SUCK relative to many other locations on the BC coast.

How do I explain it? I can't scientifically..however it's true.

Just my two cents worth on a reality as disturbing as it is...exists in Vancouver *the reality that fish stocks are in such decline that is*.
The charm of fishing Vancouver is that other than a few fall weeks there is nobody else out there and it can be fished year round.

That it sucks, relative to other places, naw.

Darn few of us can live in those places and fish there year round. Went to the Charlottes and caught a bigger spring here when I got back. Cheaper to fish here by some few dollars. They are frequently not easy fish and consistent limits are elusive.

That it will suck, given gravel from the Fraser logic, yup.

I was out the day of the "Dead Sea" and skunked. Fish Goddess thought I was getting greedy and taking her for granted.
Good post f_m.
Thanks for the compliment.

Anyone have a high dollar sounder on here? Looking for something with enough power to show thermoclines and algae blooms..

Anyone have any suggestions? I've had a few sounders...and I've been lucky enough to use some VERY good commercial equipment like Kodens and Si-Tex which still puts much of the current "recreational" fish finders to shame.

Anyone fishing around Van have sounders like these? They ain't cheap...but if you have a good'll give you a competitive edge..for'll tell you whether or not to make another pass. I had the rare occasion to fish on a boat rigged with $10000 of commercial fish finding equipment, and before we picked an area to fish...we knew whether or not we should even both to drop the lines...that's how good it was..