
Well-Known Member

Fishing around Vancouver has been the best it has been in a long time for winter springs. I was out yesterday in English Bay and boated multiple fish over 25 inches.

A local charter firm on several consecutive charters this past week boated multiple keepers in the English Bay far west as they got was Pt. Grey.

Spoons of choice are the Midnight Rider and Glo Flo Coyotes in 4.0 size...75 to 120 feet deep.

There were 15 boats fishing Pt. Grey yesterday morning....anyone on this board out there?

I was in the white Campion.
Got another report from today. Another guide boat out this morning. 2 more keepers in the Bay...Shipping Lanes...
What's the latest, guys?
Monday's looking like the first day to test the waters.<img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>

RedandWhite Monster: Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."
I've got another report. Friday was the DEAD SEA. Crabbing remains excellent. Huge Ebb Tide thought to have an adverse effect on the fishing.

I know of 3 guide boats that were out, and all they got was 1 undersize to the boat each. Yikes. That sucks. This is the first time they've been spanked like that in quite some time from what I've heard.

I think we're probably on the road to South End of Bowen fishery/Slash.

Heard a report about a guy that was out fishing on a great big Tiara and they had 5, yep, 5 keepers 10 lbs or over about 5 days ago offshore... the word--- ANCHOVIES.
Glorious sunny day of fishing off Bowen on Monday: it took less than an hour to get the stink off the boat for the new season, and before the day was over we had two nice springs, a bucket of prawns, and four big fat crabs.

As per early instructions of how to christen a newly painted boat, blood and scales were reintroduced to the inside of the boat. However, the wax on the hull was far too slippery and shed everything from the ocean.

As fate would have it, as soon as we hooked a fish I relized my trusty net was at home in the garage. Luckly, I remembered to bring my trusty gaff.

RedandWhite Monster: Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."
good to hear Red!I'll have to borrow some blood and scales to put into my boat.Of course it would help if I actually went fishing.

a total MILF.Man I Love Fishing
Heard another report yesterday from a local charter operation....another boat (not the Tiara I mentioned earlier) was fishing about a MILE southwest of the QA marker and hooked 5 keepers...that's right 5 keepers from 10 to 13 lbs. Lots of bait marked on the sounder. Reportedly also on anchovies.

Time to get fishin.
Hi Red,
I was thinking of going out in front of Bowen on Thursday,, and maybe even Friday as well (if the weather cooperates). How far off Bowen were you? All the way to the Hump? How deep? I'm hoping to christen my boat for the year, too - it would help to make me feel better about all the $$$ I've poured into her this spring...

The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope.
Pangaea: as I recall, you have the nice Hourston I lust after. :)

We were about two miles south of Bowen in water deeper than 600 feet (my depth sounder only measures to 600), trying to avoid the ferries as they went by. Went as far as Roger Curtis, but both fish were caught closer to the Point Cowan end. We saw a number of boats fishing right against Bowen (don't know how they did), and nobody was fishing near us. We were using chovies and the fish hit at around 80 feet and then at about 100 feet.

I don't think tide was an issue; it was a big ebb most of the day. That said, I like the looks of the tides when I'm off on Saturday, a high-slack just after lunch I think it is. Let me know what's up if you do get out so I can quickly find any of the fish you care to leave me. <img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>

I guy at Ambleside said he caught two fishing the Cap so I guess there are few fish around if you can find them.

Good luck.

RedandWhite Monster: Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."
I think fishing in the Bay is over...I's like someone threw a switch last Thursday on the big ebb..and ever since them the only decent reports are from South side of Bowen, QA area.
Hey Red,

Aiee! NW 25 - 30 kn winds forecast for tomorrow AM <img src=icon_smile_sad.gif border=0 align=middle>; so much for fishing off Bowen. They should bring awesome weather for the weekend though... Looks like I'll be seeing you out there on Saturday. I'll be on 16. Tight lines!

The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope.
I hope to be out saturday with my two boys. Probably try off the QA to start.Hopefully the wind dies down!!
Hi pangaea, just curious,isn't the coast guard on 16?.Do you know of anyone who has beem fishong saturna tumbo area.I have been getting reports of fish in the mid 20s as an average.probably the fraiser river stubbies.

thanks the runt
Hi pangaea, just curious,isn't the coast guard on 16?.Do you know of anyone who has beem fishong saturna tumbo area.I have been getting reports of fish in the mid 20s as an average.probably the fraiser river stubbies.

thanks the runt

Ch 16 is used here for hailing as well as emergency. I have heard from a few river guy's that twenty somethings have been getting hooked for about a week now. I'd think that Bob's bank and up should be working and worth the effort.

Some like it rough...
Others just puke!

Mr. Dean
OK Guys, here's a chance to help out a lurker who really wants to become a regular poster of reports and success ;) Going out in my 26' Campion on Sunday in the Vancouver area and want to know where the best bet is for a nice hook up. Downriggers are ready, skill level is reasonable, but the local knowledge is missing for this time of the year.

What's the best bet for location and depth? what about gear. I see alot of comments for army truck coyote spoons and hoochies as well as cop car and green glow for the same.

What should I use and where should i try first. I am thinking about the mile off Cape roger Curtis location but I guess that is dependent on the wind on Sunday.

Anyhelp is really appreciated and I will return it in kind once I know what I am doing ;)
The standard advice is 60-160' deep anywhere from 1/2 mile to 5 miles off CRC.
Yesterday Hole in The Wall @ Horseshoe Bay coughed up some action-relatively deep.
Purple Haze all 'round if that helps.
Was out Sat. AM, started out lumpy, got blowy pretty fast[xx(]. Stayed close to S side of Bowen for shelter, but gave up after an hour and tried off Caulfield / Fisheries. No action, but limited on decent size crabs, so all was not in vain... Anyone get out Sunday? Should have been a bit better.