Vancouver Area Saltwater Fishing Report

I heard of few fish at the Hole in the Wall last weekend and some action off Tunstall. Was hoping that things might have continued.
quote:Originally posted by Dan The Man

its SLOW out there.

Slower than many people know and many people think. It's so slow as a matter of fact, if you catch one, you should take a picture, it may be god knows how long before you catch another (we're talking keeper fish by the way..not some dumb undersize or shaker).

I'd be willing to bet good $$$ that you could fish 3 days in a row, 24 hours a day and not get a keeper....

Didn't go fishing today, but spent some time driving around..Vanier, MacDonald Beach launches. Sweet FA going on anywhere locally. As a matter of fact, lots of the guys were running to the other side...of the guys who were out (Gulf Islands, Thrasher, etc etc etc). As a matter of fact, few people are bothering to try anyways...and the pros out there on this side aren't seeing anything either.

Fishing is a joke in Vancouver right now. Fishing would seem to imply you have a chance of catching something...however...if there is nothing to catch...then, philosophically speaking...should be it be called fishing?
Wow that's pretty depressing! I have not done the run across to Thrasher. Might have to give it a try. I got into a couple of fish off Epsom point last Saturday.
Not really a fishing report. I didnt even bring rods...I was talking to a whale watch operator yesterday afternoon. He thought a pod was heading East from Active to Sandheads. This made me think there should be some Springs off the Fraser. Since it was glass calm, I took part of my family for a short cruise 7 to 9pm (Friday), but couldnt find the whales between Sandheads and T14.
I just read dfo is expecting 45000 early Stuart Socks to head up the Fraser very soon, so maybe that is what the killer whales are following over to Sandheads, not Springs.

p.s. 29 is closed to angling for Sox. If you see one lobbing, I wonder if it might be ok if you dive in and grab it in yer teeth like a killer whale. mmm sox.
Have seen the wales off deltaport for the past week. They seem to be coming from active pass over here, feeding in front of deltaport then heading south to point roberts. Pretty cool to see them. I just wish they would feed on a few more seals. :D
Fished Hutt & Hole in the Wall yesterday afternoon, a few hits with a nice one close to the boat but closer to the seal that grabbed it at the Wall. When the salmon are all gone, the whales will have to feed on the seals...