Vancouver Area Report

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Did the T-10 thing today.
Buttloads of fish on the tv screen.

Catches are as follows:
4 spiny dogfish(one was a good four footer).
1 chinook-grisle.

On the grounds @ 9:15 and off around 1:30

About seven other boats fishing the high slack but saw only one other fish brought in.

Better luck next time.

Good luck and greater fish'n
Caught a big, shinny Coho (13 pounds and clipped!) at the Cap on Sunday. Biggest one I've ever caught here, and the big beaker was doing cartwheels all over the place. Great show for the many onlookers<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."

Thats a super-sized fish for these waters. Crap, three weeks ago all I could find were 6 lbd'rs over there and it was hard, hard work to get them!. Sunday would have been a nice day on the water.

Any special tricks and did you see any Springs being pulled?.


It's all about ambiance.
Thanks Mr.D

Yes, it was a good day for fishing, but lots of boats around the Cap, as always, at this time of year on a weekend.

I don't think I was doing anything special. I used chovies and bounced the bottom. All the action I had came on my bottom rod. I saw lots of fish caught, especially at the mouth of the Cap against the reef.

I think most people were catching springs. I didn't see other fish bouncing across the water like the one I hooked. Ironically, I said at the time that the damn fish was "jumping like a coho." When I got it in the boat, I quickly bonked it ...thinking it was obviously a springer given its size. Then I noticed it didn't have the spots or the mouth of a spring. Luckily it didn't have the fin of a wild coho either. Next time I'll look first and bonk later.

I took the head in today, and the old boy at the tackle shop said he couldn't remember the last time he heard of a coho that size around here. I caught some in the high teens while in Alaska this past August, but I've never caught one even close to 13 pounds here. The guys on the Island must really have it good when they catch 20-pounders.

Let's see what happens next weekend. <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."

Yeah !
Another great fish story. Your tackle guy ain't spoofing ya. Fantastic critter for these parts !.

Them lrg. northerns are great to catch... Get in on the action sometime.
Just takes a little planning.

What were you doing in Alaska ?.

It's all about ambiance.
Mr. D

Went fishing on the Kenai River for a couple of days, where we caught a number of nice socs near the end of the run. The springs run no later than July, too bad for us. And then we went to Homer, where we caught lots of cohos and a few halibut.

In Soldotna at in information center we saw the world's largest sport caught chinook salmon. It weighed about 97 pounds <img src=icon_smile_shock.gif border=0 align=middle> and was caught on Kenai not far from where we were fishing.

Interesting trip, and we returned with about 130 pounds of processed/vacuum packed fish.<img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."
130lbds...... Take it you didn't catch one of them GARGANTUAN Homer Hali's. As they say;
Better luck next time !.

You go up there often?. Or was this just something special?.


Have a day trip for Monday. Will be out at the T-10 for low slack then over to the Cap for the high.

"May your rod always be bent!".

Edited by - Mr.Dean on 09/29/2004 23:48:16
Lots of fish at the Cap this weekend, like that's a secret.

I took three springs and three chums. A huge wave of chums came through on Sunday (at 40 to 50 feet), and the males really put up a fight. Forget the purple hoochies; those doggies love chovies! Caught and released a wild coho as well.

Lots of fish being caught, and boy some interesting boating technigues displayed by a few characters in the weekend flotilla. Look out!<img src=icon_smile_dead.gif border=0 align=middle>

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."
Wish I could say the same thing up by Camp Byng. Tried it Saturday and Sunday, nothing but lots of small salmon (grilse). Large schools of baitfish though and I did see a couple jumpers near the beach, but that was AFTER I had hauled the boat out. I didn't try any 'chovies though, just Coyote Spoons and Squid with Hot Shot flashers.

Can't complain about the weather though.... I couldn't believe it was October.
Are 'chovies very easy to find? Granted, I haven't looked too hard... but they always seem to have frozen herring.

Where do they get the anchovies? California?

Whereabouts is Camp Byng?

All the tackle shops around Vancouver have anchovies. In fact, chovies may have become the bait of choice for salmon fishing locally (and around Southern Vancouver Island where I have fished). I don't know where they are caught, but the ones I've been using say they are packaged in Oregon.

I do know the damn plastic teaser heads (used to fish the chovies) are becoming ridiculously expensive. At Berry they are selling for over three dollars for just one teaser head (without line or hook).<img src=icon_smile_shock.gif border=0 align=middle>At this rate, I may become a cut-plugger if I can find a cheap source of herring.

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."
red monster

you can just buy a herring jig and catch your own for cheap, but i dont know the rules on that.

never tried it but just a suggestion

Camp Byng is about half way between Gibsons and Roberts Creek. I trolled between Chaster Point (almost to Gower Point) and just past Camp Byng to the pumphouse (for those that know the area). Tons of bait in the water and lots of grilse (shakers). Hard to keep them off the hooks!

I'll have to get some anchovies and give that a shot. About 20 years ago, I used to troll with herring all the time. I guess I'll need to take that up the bait thing again. Down in the states, a lot of people use herring in conjunction with a squid. Anyone try that? I'm not sure how they rig it, probably a small piece on the trailing hook.
ive heard of that i think they rig a whole herring like you would for mooching a whole herring, then slide a hootchie over its head to give it the impression of a squid eatinga herring

I'll have to find out. I've heard that they do pretty well down by Seattle with it. I'd hate to think that the greater Seattle area has better fishing than the Lower Mainland. Sometimes I wonder though...

(I live down in the Seattle area, but our family has had property on the Sunshine Coast since the 30's. I don't fish much in Washington... even though I'm Canadian, pay property taxes up in BC, I still have to pay $120 for my saltwater license w/salmon stamp!)
Thanks for the update RM.

Did get out on Monday but wasn't out early. Skipped out on the T-10 opting for the Cap... WAY TO BUSY FOR MY LIKING ! Had to be at least fifty boats over there. Nobody seemed to be following a "general tack" rule so we fished a couple honey holes near by.

Drag'n bait at 10:30 am w/ a couple of them dandy "new flashers" hugging bottom around the 65-100 foot mark.

&gt; 2 decent Chum
&gt; 1 10 plus lbd'r Coho
&gt; 1 BIG Spring on Carla's rod for aprox a minute (she was all giggles).

Bugged out around 2:00 pm.

As we were heading out a couple of early birds were comming in. Each had a nice morning. A couple of mid twenty something Springs and one w/ a thirty something Spring. All were hauled in Between 6:30 and 8:00 am.

All in all not the best day we had and far from the worst. I still maintain that if you want a chance to do good get out there EARLY regadless of the tides and THEN get tide finiky AFTER the dawn bite.

Group Therapy has killed more than her share this season w/ 82% of the catch comming in before 10:00 am !

Fair amount of pro's over in the mix at the Cap that day. Didn't see a lot of prizes comming over the gunwales while we were out but then we weren't bouncing bows with them either.

Any thoughts on how much longer it'll last?. Those three Springers I saw were real dark. Hope it holds out through the long weekend but I fear once the rain-soons turn to rain-steady's it'll all be over.

"May your rod always be bent!".
Doe's anyone know of any links to web cams that look over our local fish'n holes?

"Some like it rough".