Using concrete to make a cannonball mold

Sea Ranger

Active Member
Does anyone know if its possible to use finishing concrete to make a connanball mold? I have made many molds for lead jigs using floor patch and could get up to 12 lures from it before it cracks. Has anyone else tried to pour their own cannanballs? or has anyone ever used concrete to make a mold before? If you have any ideas I would love to hear them.
Thanks..... Steve.
We used to make our own. Only used steel molds though. Never cracked even after 30 pours it was the same as the 1st time.
My fishing bud happens to work at a steel fab shop. I'm going to get him to make up a mold.
I did manage to find a new cannonball mold for $65. I haven't tried it out yet but it should be fun to do. I'll be doing it outside for the best ventilation and of course make sure its not raining out. If anyone has any tips for pouring lead let me know..... I've poured lots of small lead jigs into homemade molds but have never poured 12 lbs of lead at one time.
I don't know how you heated it before, but we used a tiger torch for ours.
Hi Robert,
I don't have a tiger torch. What I use for the smaller jigs is a propane camp stove and melt the lead in a stainless steel pot. This works good for the small jigs so I hope it works for the cannonball mold too.