Up date to new Halibut slot limit!

The whole things reeks of B.S,the new regs,one over/one under,2 in retention,1/2 a season fishing & the ever popular " buy a quota program.Who the hell are we trying to appease, the commies? Tell me then boys,with all these assine rules - who the hell wants to spend a bunch of money to come fishing in B.C!
This just further proves DFO has lost touch with reality and really has no other recourse but to punish us.
This reg has nothing to do with one day or two day limit. It's a possession limit, meaning while your away from place of residence, every licensed angler can have only 2 fish in their possession and one must be...... So if you head home on friday with a 25lb fish, process and put it in your freezer, you can go out on saturday and catch whatever size you want.

Now, with that said, I would prefer they found a way to extend the season with a limit of pounds per year each angler was allowed. I have not given alot of thought to how they would implement and enforce this, but my opinion is that any licensed angler only needs about 60-80 lb's of halibut a year. I guess if you hooked up your friends, family, and neighbors with fish, then that may not last the year. But that might be something that we want to discourage with a limited resource. I know personally if I had 50 lb's of halibut in my freezer or flopping around on the deck of my boat, I wouldn't be trying to catch more. I am of the mindset to leave some for the next guy. But I might also be saying this because I haven't had luck catching halibut and when I see guys bringing in fish 2 weekends in a row, it's just salt in the wound.

I have always shared my catch with family and friends. I would not like to see this discouraged as this for me is part of the "fishing experience". The fact that the resource is limited is because the resource is unevenly divided with the commercial sector receiving too large a share of the TAC. I have given much thought to perhaps changing my habit of sharing my catch however I am not sure that I want to do so. I don't believe this is a conservation issue but one of a share of the TAC. Does any one else have any thoughts on this issue? Certainly don't want to start an argument but just sayin...

yep always follow the rules and do everything by the book,lol....how far has that got us?.....so what yer saying is change only occurs by following the rules?.....gimmee a break, open a history book sometime and realize how society has changed for the positive by ppl pushing the envelope.....tell the ppl in egypt or syria or wherever, that they should do exactly what their govt tells them......wake-up.....holmes*
Wow! Comparing Canada to a dictatorship run country like Syria is over the top! You been drinking again Holmes?
Hey Holmes. Just curious. Are you still working as a chef at a fishing lodge? If so, I'm not sure that you suggesting to others on a public forum that you are going to just ignore the regs is good publicity for your place of employment. It may suggest to others that your thoughts are commonplace at your worksite. Just saying.
Oh man Hit Em Hard was here before me I need to change my screen name too similar for my liking. When I first read his post I was thinking WTF I don't remember posting that...

I agree with the people who think Holmes should not run his mouth on this forum about breaking the regs keep that private but I also fully agree with Holmes that NO change has ever happened in this world without a major fight and usually an illegal one. Breaking the regs on your own by keeping extra fish will NOT help anything. Breaking the regs together as a community WILL help draw attention to our cause.

I know some people will say how can you compare fishing to slavery, womens rights, human rights etc. but those are some easy examples where people have said screw you I am not doing what you say you are wrong and I will fight for what I believe in.

We need to do the same. We need to ALL go fishing when they close the halibut down early on an arranged day. Call it a protest fishery. We need to let EVERYONE know we are doing it and welcome the DFO to meet us on the water. We need to let EVERYONE know the reason for the fishery is because we are not done fishing hali in mid Aug just because "they" in Ottawa tell us we are. We can't just stand together we need to fight together and get as many people including outside organizations involved.

Hell we need to get our PREMIER involved. Does our premier have no backbone? Why has the province never fought to get the right to manage our own ocean. Who says fishing is a federal resource anyways? I say screw them if I was boss I would be taking fishing back from Ottawa, not asking for it but taking it.

What is the premier scared of? She is elected by the people of BC to work on our behalf. Ottawa can run her out of town and she would probably be a hero and get re elected for fighing for what our province believes in. Go to ottawa, take our fish back, tell them we are going to make marajuana legal and profit off it as a province. Harper wants to cut jobs? That is great, cut the entire DFO and our province will manage the fishing. Thanks.
i never said i dont follow the regs, and i never suggested others dont follow the regs......holmes*

"it's all a moot point anyway, with nobody to enforce it, who the hell cares...just do whatever ya want, the gov and dfo do, so screw it....aint that rite captain hook...lmao....holmes*" :o
not at all dennis....the way this govt is going we are headed for a dictatorship, hell we are halfway there.....and i did not compare Canada to a dictatorship country, i merely used them as an example as to why following the rules by the book is not always the rite thing to do to enact change....holmes*
Lol.You have a point. Admire your passion for the sport! Careful what you post dude in regards to your employer. Never know whos reading.I was cut down to shreds on another site with some comments I made and my job was threatened.Still pissed about that.No longer work for that employer so its a mute point now.
Maybe fillet the hali as usual and bag the carcass seperately? You can always use it for crab bait later.
I'm just gutting and gilling all my unders. They won't take up much room in the cooler, lol.
If i catch a smaller chicken - I'm cooking them up for But burgers on the spot!BTW those halibut frames make great soup -waste not,want not :)
One guy at work takes the bonerack home, sprinkles with spice (seasoning salt, cajun or whatever) and throws it on the bbq. Guests then pick the meat off.
I agree with your statement, I have hard time to see guys wit a lot of hali around my friends , but they think different, want more and more,
Being a California fisherman that comes up about every other year and helps the economy. I think a good thing would be like we do for sturgeon or Abalone. You get a set of tags for Sturgeon (free) that you have fill out and attach to the sturgeon you keep. There is a daily limit of 1 and a season limit. I think 3 on the season. Abalone, you pay for the tags, and you get 3 a day, and 24 a season. Daily limit in possession. How about Halibut tags and a couple days in possession. A couple that are only for the oversize, but can be used on an undersize and the rest only for under 83cm. That way the sporties get their fair share. sure the commercials have to get enough to support their business, but the amount of money in the economy is a heck of a lot more from the sportfishing side. San Francisco Bay Area has a commercial fishery for California Halibut and they have no limit, but a season length limiting factor. Where Sporties can get 2 a day. A minimum size. Locally to SF Bay, the season is self limiting, as they are not here is numbers a lot of the year.