
I forgot to mention I was talking to a fellow at Salmon Beach on the weekend and they were fishing Forbes Island (inside) and picked up a few coho there last Saturday.

"I'm not talkin bout pleasure boatin or day sailin......I'm talkin bout workin for a livin"- Captain Quint
quote:Originally posted by UNKNOWN

Glad to see that you are really putting the boots to that "PAL P2B" appears to be a real winner for you out there on the west ooast with chinook and coho big time this year.[???]:)

The few times that I made it out this past season, I too, had some good success with the smaller version P2B in green/glow and also in watermelon. The PAL "Diamond Lance" spoons on the east coast of VI were good for me too.

...nice to see PAL making a come back - made in BC, on Vancouver Island!:)

It was a real favourite of mine this year for sure Rob. Especially in the upper water column. Thanks again. Jake fought a few on the smaller purple/pearly looking one as well. I'll have to come in and pick up a few more in different sizes and colors. I really like those spoons:).

"I'm not talkin bout pleasure boatin or day sailin......I'm talkin bout workin for a livin"- Captain Quint