UBC study: changing catch-and-release fishing practices can boost salmon survival

So I dont disagree ....but HOW ? The Ottawa bureaucrats are firmly seated . They arn,t going anywhere soon. And to replace them , we have to be careful that the replacements at least have a clue about Canada fisheries. And this statement ( given where it came from) does not make me feel warm and fuzzy, https://cpaws.org/election-101-get-to-know-party-platforms-on-conservation/
Well, after all these years of Liberal government look where you are now.
You have actually watched runs of fish be wiped out under this government and they have done nothing to resolve it yet.
Upper Fraser Chinooks?
Thompson River Steelhead.

Has your fishing gotten better or worse under this group?

Bureaucrats can and need to be replaced with these records.
Bureaucrats can and need to be replaced with these records.
How do you replace/fire govt employees?

Sweeping changes in DFO as 42 people fired for failing to protect vital salmon runs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have never read a headline like this or heard of this happening before. Am I missing something?
How do you replace/fire govt employees?

Sweeping changes in DFO as 42 people fired for failing to protect vital salmon runs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have never read a headline like this or heard of this happening before. Am I missing something?
Change government.
the high up managers are polotical pawns they change winds with marching order from above
They can be changed by their political masters.
The only ones that change on a regular basis are the Deputy Ministers and Assistant Deputy Ministers to match the political will of the party in power. The executive directors, directors regional managers, program managers, specialists and regular staff do not change unless they change jobs, resign and get reorganized. I know I have worked in govt for 30+ years.

If they want line managers and staff can either help or hinder the current minister and party in power to implement the govts. agenda (i.e., speed things up or slow them down). Problem with DFO is there are too many senior managers, managers and staff that support the ENGO and FN agendas and care little for the public fishery! Plenty of evidence of this under both Lib and Con govt’s

If the Cons win the next election (pretty sure bet) then Pierre, his cabinet and his fisheries minister will have to push long and hard to improve things for the public fishery to make the need changes and to hold DFO accountable to do so. It will have to be a priority for them. I don’t know at this time if it is. They need to communicate their vision and plans on this better. Time will tell…

In the meantime we in the public fishery need to push even harder to make this a political issue so that they pay attention to as we know the ENGOS and FN’s sure as hell will.