Tuna Fishing Haida Gwaii!

7 rods two dive boards

Two dive boards with zukers

Two short off the stern , naked no splash birds , right in the wash , usually jet heads over zukers

Two out on the second wake , splash birds with a zuker of some sort

Two off the outriggers further out in the clean water , again splash birds and zukers

One shotgun way way back with either a larger skirted jethead , or a big cedar plug .

Some days they just love the dive boards
4-5 rods and 5-10 jig rods ready to go. Find fish. Stop boat. Cast and jig iron on light gear.

How many do you usually have to hang before you stop the boat? Are you tossing live or dead chum?

Tried a few jig stops this year but didn’t convert on the slide . We actually ended up getting some blind jigging while we were stopped , drifting having lunch . The guys were finishing gutting a few tuna , and were having fun chumming up some blue dogs . I dropped the flatfall down to about 200 and hooked up on two albacore on consecutive drops . Also has some pomfret .
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We stop the boat Immediately after the troll hookup. I should stress the IMMEDIATELY part? One guy clears gear. Everyone else starts fishing. If you have chum, live or dead, it goes in a little every couple of minutes. Cut up squid, cut chovies, cut hearing, etc. Watch the sounder for marks and give it 15 minutes or so. If no action, back on the troll. If we see jumpers, troll gear comes in as we approach the school and then we start jigging.

This style takes a commitment from the crew. You have to be willing to stop the desire for multiple hooks up on troll and fighting fish you drag through the water while doing 6-8 knots…. You are fishing very different fish when you get them in iron and swim baits on lighter gear (20-40# setups). Tons more fun for most of us.
I find you can pretty well swing anything over the gunnel if you are using appropriate leader/good crimps . We hit a serious grade early sept out of winter with lots of high 20’s and a few over 30 . Never gaffed one . Into the into the fabricated bleed bucket on stern quick , gutted then into the slush for a bit , into the holds with packed cavity’s, fantastic quality and a clean boat !
Yeah that was the same for us. On this trip wen landed 59 over 3 days and never had to gaff one
Do guys typically run just 4 rods for albacore? When I went out of WH we ran 11 handlines and 1 rod.
We started with 4 as this was our first time ever tuna fishing. We worked our way up to 6 rods and next year I think we will
Do 8
We stop the boat Immediately after the troll hookup. I should stress the IMMEDIATELY part? One guy clears gear. Everyone else starts fishing. If you have chum, live or dead, it goes in a little every couple of minutes. Cut up squid, cut chovies, cut hearing, etc. Watch the sounder for marks and give it 15 minutes or so. If no action, back on the troll. If we see jumpers, troll gear comes in as we approach the school and then we start jigging.

This style takes a commitment from the crew. You have to be willing to stop the desire for multiple hooks up on troll and fighting fish you drag through the water while doing 6-8 knots…. You are fishing very different fish when you get them in iron and swim baits on lighter gear (20-40# setups). Tons more fun for most of us.
That’s awesome information thank you
I find you can pretty well swing anything over the gunnel if you are using appropriate leader/good crimps . We hit a serious grade early sept out of winter with lots of high 20’s and a few over 30 . Never gaffed one . Into the into the fabricated bleed bucket on stern quick , gutted then into the slush for a bit , into the holds with packed cavity’s, fantastic quality and a clean boat !
nothing worse than lifting and having a soft hooked fish gone. i agree totally that lifting and flinging is a hoot and cleaner, but i cry when hooks pull and/or your left with a piece of jaw or gill.
I try to see the hook location. If any doupt the troller gaff is used. I will only swing if using commercial double hooks. All single hook lures the fish get gaffed.