Trophy Whitetail Trade

... ask Nog, he guided out here also.

Yes, For many many years in fact. Passed on the last two due to other hunting / time constraints, but am already fully booked for this next season (and the one after should I decide to take it - likely...)

Saw this same offer on FishBC, and thought briefly about it. As I already have a whitetail tag lined up for next fall, thought it was best if someone else could take advantage of this...

Gotta admit though, that when initially reading the offer, I did kind of wonder why the "Outfitter's" or "Company" name wasn't included?
As you are registered with APOS would you care to share that, and the general Area of your allocations ringneckryan? Would help clarify a thing or to is all...

... Hell, anybody that wants to hunt Released Pheasants can come out and stay at my place...

Now that there is a consideration. I'll be over there anyway, and may have time down between guiding muley & whitetail hunts. If the timing meshes, and you ain't overly far from the trail I'll be on, may have to think about accepting your Most Generous Offer! ;)

Also used to work for Alberta Fish & Wildlife (and National Parks) back in the day. Still have a good handful of Buddies working with both. Enforcement wasn't the way to go for me, so went into the biology end of things. Will be watching this one now to see how things turn out...

Forget it now. I am not posting that information just to please a few. if you cant trust me when i say I am an APOS member then this trade isnt for you. Be as suspicious as you want, I am not breaking any laws and if anybody actually thought that I am breaking a law I encourage you to go to the proper authorities. Wildlife crime takes away from everybody. Your barking up the wrong tree. I posted my phone number to Labman (still waiting for his call) and that will be enough for fish cops to start whatever investigation they please to open. Nog you better make call to a few of your old F&W buddies. If you do could you PLEASE ask them to post at least 1 officer in my area? It makes them look very silly not having one here. It makes them look extremely silly for this area not being the only one not having at least 1 officer. There are a number of offices that have none.

i would also like to thank the moderater for approving this post.
Forget it now. I am not posting that information just to please a few.

It is not a matter of "trust" or "suspicion". I know a very good number of Outfitters, and cannot think of one that would have any reason whatsoever not to divulge their Company name and locale, especially when offering the type of opportunity you have. It is "Free Advertising" after all. Especially so if whomever takes you up on the offer manages to shoot a Biggie, and comes home to let us all know...

That said, your refusal to do so does raise the eyebrows a little, and therefore creates more cause for "suspicion" than if you simply posted it. Makes me wonder what is the underlying reason for your hesitation in doing so?

NOT at all trying to rain on your parade, but I have now become genuinely curious is all...

Nog you better make call to a few of your old F&W buddies. If you do could you PLEASE ask them to post at least 1 officer in my area? It makes them look very silly not having one here. It makes them look extremely silly for this area not being the only one not having at least 1 officer. There are a number of offices that have none.

LOL! You FAR overestimate my limited amount of "influence"! As you noted, there are more than a few jurisdictions that currently do not have a full-time Officer in-house. As here in BC, that is a reflection of budget constraints, which of course is itself a reflection of political will to ensure adequate funding exists for proper management / enforcement. Bit of an uphill struggle that one, and I am far to busy with so many others that are immediately relevant to "Home Fires" to try and sway the Alberta Government into funding an Officer in Hanna. Good Luck with this effort, it is a worthwhile one to pursue, however should obviously be driven from a local level...

Many others than the one down in Hanna Nog (Drumheller). F&W blame funding shortages (in the richest province in Canada? ya right). Brooks on the other hand has a few fish cops, but one is under an internal investigation for 'questionable tactics', 'personal vendettas' and an 'accidental death' for a boating accident that killed a little girl. He is hip deep in you know what. They wont fire him regardless of countless complaints and TWO investigations. One internal investigation and one RCMP. I have little faith in F&W im sorry.

I started this thread with hopes of trading a whitetail hunt for a fishing trip. We are wayyy off topic and I have the attention of two people who are more interested in seeing credentials than trading anything. If they did see credentials I bet they would have nothing to trade anyways, they are just being snoopy. Reminds me of that last time I was issued a speeding ticket actually.

Now if Nog and Labman havent scared everybody off, who is intersted in trading a few days of fishing for an Alberta whitetail buck?