Trophy Whitetail Trade


New Member
APOS (Alberta Professional Outfitter Society) member looking to trade a rifle or bow hunt for trophy whitetail. My usual fishing partner is having our baby in July so I will be taking a high school buddy who is getting married late August as a wedding present. I am offering accomodations, airport pick up (Calgary YYC), meals and of course, a whitetail hunt! Licences NOT included (approx $200). Airfare NOT included. Pics and referances available upon request. I am looking to trade for a salmon fishing trip recipricating what I am offering (full ride, licences and airfare not included).

I can also offer upland hunting,not sanctioned by APOS, primarily released pheasant. Sharptail Grouse and Hungarian Partridge (wild) maybe available depending on how the rest of our winter goes. Full package deal the same as the whitetail hunt. I will guide with my Brittany pointer and can hire another guide and dog for consecutive days of upland hunting. If you are coming during bow season we can mix the whitetail and upland hunting, or if you tag out early and have a few days left. I will not work my dog during hot days (25C+). I prefer to trade for the whitetail hunt as I have a friend in Cambell River who is willing to trade for the upland hunt but hey, I like doing both!

Email myslelf, Ryan, @ for inquirys and questions or call 403 363 9700. Please leave a message if im not by the phone. You can also have a look at my pheasant hunting webpage I do not have a whitetail webpage. Thanks.
Hey guys. Bow season starts beginning september and runs till the end of october. Bow season is monday to saturday every week during those months. Rifle season is all November running only wednesday to saturday. I am looking to take a buddy of mine who is getting married Aug 24. My usual fishing partner is giving birth to our baby in July sometime so I want to take Kevin fishing instead. Last trip we went fishing together was on a fly in up in Northern Sask for lake trout. I was in Campbell River salmon fishing last year and slept on a boat. Personally guys I just wanna take Kev fishing. We are easy going prarie boys that dont expect luxury or anything stupid like that. Catch a few fish, drink some beer and most importantly meet new people. More like a long weekend get away. Cant be away from the ranch for too long and since he will have wedding stuff to do a 2-3 day fishing trip is all he will be able to do anyways. Kevin cant lose sight of land cause hes a girl sometimes and gets pukey! Wuss.

Truck hunting is not effective. Nuff said. Hunting will be in stands on my familys private 20,000 acre ranch where hunting is stictley controlled. I guide there exclusivly. 15 miles of river front property. I can easily get Americans to come and pay me to hunt but ever since I caught that Tyee last year (34lbs) I am hooked. I have more fun trading with people than I do with people who pay big money and expect big things.
hey tofino, i am offering one week long hunt (6day bow or 4 day rifle). If things dont go well one week we can always try again another week if time permits. I offered hooktender that if he came before his sask hunt and didnt get one he could stop on his way back another week and try again. Like I said guys I just wanna go fishing for 2-3 days with a friend of mine and hopefully make another friend in the process. No pressure fishing. We dont have to catch the biggest fish or even a ton of fish.... we just want to catch a few fish and drink some beer! If we catch 200 then great! If we catch 20 thats alright too. I think fishing some place where there isnt 200 boats is best. I dont mind some boats around but dont want to hit all the areas that are close to town.

At the end of the day I dont want anybody feeling like they were screwed or taken advantage of. If you want to price everything out and match out the trips dollar for dollar then this might not be for you. Fishing for two people is expensive, but whitetail hunting aint cheap either.I want you to go home with a nice buck just he same as you proly want me to go home with some fish.
Come out with my Bro from Calgary when he comes we can drink some beer and do some fishin. Im not into hunting but I sure wish I was. I know people that are so u never know what kind of deal we could swing.
Just wondering, where abouts in Alberta is Sunday still closed?
Except, maybe the Blackfoot Grazing Reserve.
When was the last time you hunted in Alberta? And where the heck is the blackfoot grazing reserve??? do you mean indian reserve? go to to find out your answers cause i dont really know what your asking. As far as I know the only thing I can hunt on sunday is waterfowl/migratory and upland birds. Big game never has been sunday hunting.
Well, you will have one hell of a trip with good it will probably ruin you for life
For a member of A.P.os, it seems strange that you don't seem to know that all the W.M.U.s now have Sunday Big Game hunting, except the 100,s. Prairie region.
I have had my guides license here since 1980, I also have my migratory birdgame guides license.
I was just asking what zones you are knowledgeable about.
The Blackfoot Grazing lease, is one of many provincially supervised public land areas, it is located about 1/2 an hour east of Edmonton, just east of Elk Island National park.
It is W.M.U. #936 as shown here.

Forgot to mention, I live just east of Edmonton, in the middle of the Bow Zone.
Some more info.
What is required to be eligible to hunt in Alberta?
Hunters in Alberta should be aware of federal regulations pertaining to possession and use of firearms (click here to view Federal Firearms Legislation), and provincial regulations pertaining to licensing of hunters. There are regulations that pertain to first-time hunters, youths, residents, non-residents and non-resident aliens.

All hunters must have a Wildlife Identification Number (WIN) as a prerequisite to applying for, or purchasing any hunting licence, but some additional requirements must be met for the WIN-holder to be eligible to purchase hunting licences.

A person must possess a valid Wildlife Certificate and the applicable hunting licence in order to hunt big game or game birds. The hunter must carry the licence and applicable tag(s) on his or her person while hunting. A person applying for a draw is not required to possess a Wildlife Certificate but must purchase one before purchasing any hunting licence.

Non-resident (Canadian) and Non-resident Alien hunters of big game, wolf and coyote must be accompanied by a licensed guide or a Hunter Host. Each of these hunters has two options:
1.he or she may contract the holder of a valid Big Game Outfitter-guide Permit, be guided by a Big Game Designated Guide, and hunt under the authority of a licence allocated to an outfitter-guide (for information on outfitter-guides, contact the Alberta Professional Outfitters Society at, OR
2.he or she may be hosted by a Hunter Host (see below) - usually a relative or friend - and hunt according to the following restrictions and conditions: •Non-resident Aliens may hunt with a Hunter Host only if they have not done so in the previous two (2) fiscal years (April 1 - March 31).
•Non-residents (Canadian) and Non-resident Aliens are limited to certain licences as indicated in the Licence Availability section (click here for details).
•Non-resident Aliens hosted by Hunter Hosts may hunt big game only during seasons that do not require one of the special licences, obtained through a draw, indicated by a in the Big Games Seasons (WMUs) section or listed under Additional Special Licence Draw Hunts.
•A Non-resident Alien and his or her intended Hunter Host must apply at a Fish and Wildlife Division office for their licences and make a statutory declaration that he or she understands the terms and conditions of the licences (Scroll down to view Hunter Host Licence).
wow labman. thank you for the pop quiz! I am slightly offened by your actions. why would i know the seasons for zones other zones than which i hunt in or have allocations in? and secondly how dare you give me 'some more info' on who i can and can not guide? are you implying something? are you offended in some underlying way as to what I am doing with my allocations?
please give me a call @ 403 363 9700 at your earliest convieniance to clear up any misunderstandings. i am a bit angry by your actions towards another member on a public fourm, especially over a topic that is quite frankly none of your business. I look forward to speaking with you.
You're offended, by a couple of casual questions.
The more info, wasn't even aimed at you, it was general info about what my fellow forum members needed, like a Win card, which you seem to have forgotten to mention.
APO members, or even resident hunters, should know the freaking regs.
As far as being a member of a public forum, you have exactly 5 posts, all to do with SCAMMING a free fishing trip.
Are you actually a member of APOS. what's your #, I would like to see where your allocation is!!
As a registered member of APO, it is very much my business!
Hell even as a Alberta resident hunter, it would be my business!!

Be aware guys, the law out here states that as a non-resident,you cannot trade/barter or exchange for a guided hunt!!
If he had of just clareified the Sunday hunting issue, without the smartass comments, I would have left it alone, now I will probably get APO involved.

If you don't believe what I have posted, as basic info to protect you forum members, ask Nog, he guided out here also.
i know the regs Labman. Thank you for taking such intuition in helping me inform my fellow sportsmen of minor cost such as WIN. Your expertise is much needed here and thankfully your here tosave the day. I am a memer of APOS. If you knew what you were talking about you could usethe information I have provided publicly on the fourm to cross referance it with public information that APOS holds. This is none of your business what I do in my personal life with my property. Dont make the mistake that it is your business! Should I inform you wen I take a dump of is that none of your business either?

Please do call APOS! I have never filed a complaint against a fellow member. Due to the Codes and Ethics of APOS members I will file a complaint stating that you broke the 8th code of ethics stating; A member will not interfere, by solicitation or otherwise, with a contract between another outfitter and client, when it is known or reasonably should be known that a contract to provide services exists between that other outfitter and a client.

I am going to ask you to step aside from me making a legally binding agreement, which I am entitled to by holding an allocation(s) in Alberta and a memeber of APOS.

Get a life Labman. Mind your own business. If you feel laws are being broken call the Fish and Wildlfe too!
Well, I do see that you have a Pheasant release shoot club, but nothing I can find for Big Game.
And, you don't/aren't making a legally binding agrreement.
Yes file a complaint, as I am also.
Naw, don't need it.
My first questions were of an innocent nature.
Then, I had some questions that I felt would help you guys out.
Hell, anybody that wants to hunt Released Pheasants can come out and stay at my place.
I got 5 bedrooms and for most of the month, the wife is up north working.
As I posted, you don't need a guide for birds here!
The post that he took most offence to, was just to point out that you needed the stupid WIN card, and that your licence and tags were available on line!
Not sure why he flared, unless...........
This just reminds me why I dont have an old lady! Can't stand being in a good b#tch seission but get a good chuckle out of other peoples good b#tch sessions!
