Trip to Sooke

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We are in the midst of planning a trip to Sooke. We plan to make the crossing from the US to Victoria on or about 30 June. We have careflly planned our budget. There is one item we are unsure of.

What is the cost for a case of beer now? Say Molsons or Labatt's?

Our last trip of 10 days, we went through 27 cases, so you can see this is a significant portion of the budget. ;)

It's good to have friends.
It's better to have friends with boats.
WHOA have you got a liver transplant lined up for after your vacation? hehe Just kiddin.

A flat (24 cans of Labatt's Blue) is about 42 bucks give or take a buck or two depending where you buy it. That's Canadian bucks BTW as I assume yer comin from the US.
Yep, makes you wonder, don't it? I think the tax we pay on it (that you don't pay) goes to our health care system so when people over indulge we can fix them up in the detox centre. It's kind of a "user pay" medical system in this case. <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>
Everyone is allowed 24 cans of personal brew upon entry though.

Highly suggested that you stop in at the local 7-11 before making your way down to the dock!. <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>

Some like it rough...
Others just puke!.

Mr. Dean
Thanks for the info.

That first case might get us all the way to Sooke. :D

We came up on a Grand Banks in 2003. We stayed right at Sooke Harbor on the boat. We had to make daily cab runs up to the Cold Beer/Wine shop. It was quite a sight I'm sure. We were rolling the beer down to the boat on a hand truck.

The Grand Banks, AMY LYNN is gone now, so we are going to attempt this with a couple of 22'.

We may bring the Shrimp Traps. Any good shrimping in the area?

We just had a two day season here in Puget Sound. It has become very popular.

It's good to have friends.
It's better to have friends with boats.