Thoughts on buy a 16' open silverstreak

There was a bigger one in the marina in Port Alberni Gov't dock for many years. Looked nice but I noticed the rainwater ran forward on the side walk around and pooled up in the bow. Told me that the hull and deck were poorly engineered as the boat sat bow down at the dock. was very noticeable.
Wasn't because the motor was too small either
I have an old Lynwood copy from a Bertram hull. It sits beautifully at the dock . It was built by experts who knew how it would sit in the water before it was built.
Hey JAC, why don't you pickup that 16' Lund? That way if you're good with the open boat idea you can always sell it and buy the Silver Streak next season.
Ya I haven't figure what to do yet. I drove to the island on Friday night and looked at silverstreak 17' hardtop (19' with bracket) nice boat and a lot of fishing room on the back deck. They sure are well built! I just don't know if I want to go bigger or stay with a really nice quality unit. Sometime I think I would fish more if I have a nice easy to use, light, strong tough cheap on fuel,. Ever time I sell a boat I always say I'm going to buy a 16' open silverstreak and the I go out and buy something bigger.
I say go for it. I don't think you'll regret it. A small well built boat like a silver streak has a number of advantages. Plus, just think about how economical it will be to run, easy to tow and launch. If you invest in the right foul weather gear, you'll be fine.
Buy the 17 in a soft top model and remove the soft top for a couple trips..... Bet you put it back on :)

But then you'd be like me later on.....Wanting a hard top with walk thru door and sliding windows, and a drop down curtain rather then a bulk head door way
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