thinking about scotty 2106, questions...

Main advantage to upgrading to 2106's is the speed. If you aren't too worried about waiting around for the 1106's to crank up from 300', its not really worthwhile. I fish offshore a lot, so the 2106's make a lot of sense. They aren't without some issues as mentioned in other posts. Most common problem is the counters - but there is a manual fix as you can install a simple non-analog counter fairly easily as a back up.

Another consideration not mentioned yet on this thread is to install a re-settable breaker. That way when not in use you can cut off power to the riggers. Most people leave them plugged in and live when sitting at the dock. There have been issues with the internal switches shorting out causing fires. Thus using a resettable breaker is a quick, easy way to cut power to the riggers when not in use as extra protection.

Link to amazon for resettable breaker:

i need to install resettable breakers. i still have glass in line fuses. they have never failed but there will be a first. and it will of course be worst time ever