Well-Known Member
Does anyone still use Wayne Laughren's Super Release Dodger? If so, what do you use for bait? I try to use it at least once or twice a season and sometimes it is hot. I usually pull a green glow bait head. I have caught my 2 biggest Springs using it.
I still have two of them but have not put them down in a few years they are getting pretty corroded and not so shiney any more but anchovie was the only thing I ever ran with them.
Sorry for bringing up such an old thread but Will anyone who still has some of these sell one or two or three I have been looking for them for along time now LMK thanks bryce condition not to important
Wayne invented 2 flashers, the smaller ones for winter springs and the bigger ones for the fall springs.
Fished with him a couple of times from his Sooke Basin house,was sorry to hear that he quit guiding.Maybe he still lives around Sooke?
Checked under Google and found Wayne is running "Ocean Salmon Adventures" still in Sooke Tel number is 250-646-7595,give him a call, he might still have some dodgers left.
I tried that number its not in service I would like some of the bigger ones but would grab a few smaller ones if they available. anyone else know how to get ahold of these?
Just spoke to Wayne on the phone, he is now in Victoria, he does have some 18 s left @ $30 and some 12s left @ $25
His phone number is 250-381-7796, he is out of guidine now.
quote:Originally posted by tortuga
What does this thing look like?

A longer Vee shaped dodger with a release clip on the end made of metal.

I used to love the bigger one for a dummy.

swear by it always have one out i call it the truck bummper a bit of a pain until you get used to it but it sure works.Almost impossible to find the larger dodger i got a couple made for me and they seem to do the trick.
In an odd coincidence, a friend just gave me some 1990? fishing videos found while moving his father-in-law to a new place. One is a how-to for this flasher. pm me and I'll throw it in the mail for you.
hey are you in victoria? think i could borrow the video for a few days?
Wayne used to use Sage FLY rods with his flashers.You get to fight the fish without a flasher.
The fishing line, as I remember it , attaches to the front of the flasher then to the back,when the fish hits,it pops the line off and you play the fish.
quote: Wayne used to use Sage FLY rods with his flashers.You get to fight the fish without a flasher.

If I'm looking for that kind of action, I put down my bait simply without flashers. You still get fish without flashers. Maybe even some true "lunkers" that get spooked by them. The fish definatly don't get as tired as fast as having to drag a flasher around. The fish can still seem to find that single piece of bait. If your fishing in a crowd of boats who are all running flashers it doesn't seem to hurt production at all other than it might take you an extra 10-20 minutes to actually land the fish! So your out of the water for longer when the "bite" is on.

Take only what you need.