Sunshine Coast

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One thing I've noticed over the past 10 to 15 years or so is the dramatic decrease in the number of charters operating on the Sunshine Coast. Do you think the fishing REALLY has gotten that bad or are people just going to the Island whenever they want a charter? Personally, fishing for Springs in the late 90's was EXCELLENT. The last couple years has been terrible.

Thinking about the geography of the strait, I guess it makes sense that fish are not plentiful on the mainland side. Fish come in from the ocean through the Strait of Juan de Fuca, through the San Juans/Gulf Islands and to the Fraser. Fish also come down through Johnstone Strait, past Campbell River... and seem to hug the Vancouver Island side and then cross over to the Fraser River somewhere South of Nanaimo. I have read that some Chinook spend their entire life in the strait, those are probably the ones we have the best chance of catching. The Sunshine Coast only has a few creeks with any substantial runs (Roberts, Chapman (with the hatchery), Angus and a hatchery near Porpoise Bay). I suppose our only "hope" would be if the Squamish River system can come back to previous levels..... It's really too bad, but it's still a good time to try!

Anyone else have any thoughts?

LOVE the Sunshine coast. Recently bought property up there' wouldn't mind moving up sometime down the roar.

As for the fishing... I haven't done any for at least 12 years in that area. 15 yrs. ago it was decent then it all went for sh**. I have heard things were starting to come around the last 2 or 3 yrs. though. Hopefully it will keep on improving.

Last year and this year as well, any time I did a trip up towards Squamish it has all been good and I'm thinking it is well on its way to recovery.

Haven't strayed up past Bowen this season but have you thought of trying "out in the middle" doing the scum line aproach. Just watch out for Halibut bank, I think it is a new rock fish habitat... NO FISHING AT ALL if I'm right.

Good luck.

"May your rod always be bent!".
"15 yrs. ago it was decent then it all went for sh**."
Yup ain't too much left to fish for up that way anymore.

"I have heard things were starting to come around the last 2 or 3 yrs. though. "
Not in my experience it hasn't.I wasn't up last year bu the year before I fished from Gibsons to Pender Harbour & back regularly all through the season-the year before too.
I guy I knew was trying to get a Charter biz off the ground but it never worked-he was too slack/paid little attention to detail and there were very few fish to catch even at the best of times.

The one Charter he got in all that time I pointed him to-they got zip.

Look at the results on they are a joke.It used to be that fishing around Vancouver was a joke and the Sunshine Coast was decent-now it's the opposite.
See my reports on to see how well we've done the past few days.

livin' la vida pesca!
mr dean

halibut bank was not closed in the most recent rca's. it was considered but left open

sam salmon, when will it be updated


Edited by - tyee hunter on 10/06/2004 15:23:01
Scum Line Approach? I'm not familiar with that term. I've never actually gone out to Halibut Bank before... I only have a 12 footer with a 4 horse, so it would take me a while. Isn't there a meteorlogical buoy out there so you know you're close?

NOT RECOMENDED w/ youre equipment !

One of things I do when structure isn't paying off is to head out to the "middle" of the strait, usualy too the second "scum line"(tide line) and start working the clean or calm side of it lokking for fish being "pushed" in.

As for Hali Bank, again I haveh't been up that way for a long, long time. The're should be a weather bouy on it that collects data for the automated reports. Halibut bank is a fairly vast area and I would have to refer to my charts that are down on the boat. Im my days of fishing that area, it was usualy plagued w/ commercial boats and was fairly easy to locate depending on the openings.

Again this area is a little bit of a run with no place to hide if things start to go for a turn. Probably better off stick'n closer to home. Do you know salmon rock ?.


10-4 on the rca... Confirmed, Halibut bank IS NOT listed.

"Some like it rough".
mr dean

never fished hali bank but just wondering does it hold true to its name? are there hali there or not? ive heard there are snapper though

Never scraped the bottom of it. Structualy it looks good as well as Mcall and various other humps and bumps in that area. A long time commercial fisher and friend, told me not to bother and stick to n & s island for closest and consistant flatty's.

On that note I did catch a baby hali at the northern arm back in 93. I look at the charts and think, why not ?. It is on the list of "to dews". Maybe one day when I'm wrinkled and grey. Definately not in the near future though.

I would think somebody from up there should have an idea or some sort of explanation... Any takers ?

"Some like it rough".
First time poster, short time lurker. Nice to talk about saltwater fishing.

I only fish the Sechelt Inlet, on the coast, as we have property there. That coast website is only posted to by a few people and though the fishing isn't WCVI, it is a lot better than on the outside of the Coast.

The other beauty of the Inlet is that it is almost always fishable, something that can't be said for the outside. It's ideal for your set-up Pablo2079. Crabbing and prawning isn't that shabby either. If we get that elusive ling opening next year....

Own your own stuff.