stupid questions: saltwater laws


Hey, sorry, i'm an idiot when it comes to laws, and for some reason I can't seem to figure out the laws for the tidal portion of the pitt river and fraser.

is the tidal portion of pitt river considered fraser for the purposes of fishing? I can't seem to find any mention of what you can and can't do on there... I ran into a guy using 2 hooks on a single line, baited with worms, and I was pretty certain that they were barbed. I found:

dfo said:
In Area 29 other than the tidal portion of the Fraser River angling gear permitted for salmon fishing shall include a lure or bait with only one single barbless hook. A person may angle in the tidal portion of the Fraser River with a bar rig consisting of no more than two single barbless hooks attached to a fishing line each of which has a barbless point. The lower and upper tidal fishing boundaries of the Fraser River are described on the back of the inside folder at the front of this guide.

so that says basically I can use 2 hooks to catch whatever I want in all tidal waters, they just have to be barbless? long as i'm not fishing for salmon, in the fraser.

can I fish with one barbed hook, or do the freshwater and salt water rules kind of overlap, where just no rivers or streams you can use barbs?


see I just came across this, which contradicts what is above, IMO,

dfo said:
it is illegal to...

angle with a fishing line to which more than one hook, artificial lure or artificial fly is attached except:
-in the tidal portion of the Fraser River you can use two hooks, artificial lures or artificial flies, attached to a fishing line; and
-in tidal waters any number of hooks attached to a fishing line if the hooks are used in combination to hold a single piece of bait; and
-in tidal waters when fishing for Herring, Northern Anchovy, Pacific Sand Lance or Squid you may use any number of hooks on a fishing line

the first one is the only one that applies to my question, so is the lower pitt river consider fraser?
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Barbless is the key for Salmon, you can use two hooks in the tidal Fraser but they have to be single hooks, not trebles and obviously barbless on the same line. It's a bar rig. What are you fishing for on the lower Pitt?

The tidal portion of the Pitt below the CPR bridge is considered part of the Fraser tidal regs so that means you can you two single hooks, must be barbless if targeting Salmon.

Most folks bar fish when using bar rigs and that might be tough going in that relatively short span of tidal water.
I was told whitefish was good there right now, which I'm not exactly sure what it is, to be honest...

so barbless for salmon, and barbed for all others,

the rig I'm planning on using will be home built, just a casting weight, with 2 hooks above that on a leader, each with their own short leader off of it, tied separately, maybe 6" apart? something like this...


i'll just be casting off of the shore, or off of a pull out on the very end of coast meridian, which comes right to a ferry dock looking thing, at pitt river, it's basically a parking lot on a raised cement dock, that is out past the shore line, and there is a drop straight down to the water, and the water is probably 5-10 feet deep right at the edge of the dock thing
No barbs allowed...

hey, thanks for the input, but that's kinda vague... do you mean no barbs ever no matter what, no barbs on my 2 hook rig that I was asking about, no barbs in tidal water?

I know for a fact you are allowed barbs in freshwater lakes...

another contradiction I found, as I quoted...

dfo said:
it is illegal to...

angle with a fishing line to which more than one hook, artificial lure or artificial fly is attached except:
-in the tidal portion of the Fraser River you can use two hooks, artificial lures or artificial flies, attached to a fishing line;

contradicts COMPLETELY, what is written right on my license...

CONDITIONS OF LICENCE - It is the responsibility of the licence holder to comply with the Fisheries Act and Regulations.
The following licence conditions apply to the 2014-2015 Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Licence:
Crabs: No person shall possess female red rock or Dungeness crabs.
Halibut: No person shall exceed the halibut possession limit of two (2). No person shall fail to comply with the following
length restrictions. The maximum length for halibut is 133 cm and only one (1) of the two (2) halibut in your possession may
be greater than 90 cm in length. No person shall catch and retain more than six (6) halibut under the authority of this licence.
Salmon: No person when fishing for salmon, cutthroat and steelhead shall use a barbed hook.
Area 9 Special Management Zone (SMZ): From June 1 to September 15, no person shall angle with a fishing line or
downrigger line which is attached to a weight greater than 227 grams (8 ounces) or an attracting device that is not affixed
directly to the hook in those waters of Rivers Inlet inside a line between fishing boundary signs located at Rutherford Point
and McAllister Point. No person shall retain more than two (2) chinook in this area during this time period. All chinook retained
in this area shall be recorded on the licence as being taken in Area 9 SMZ.
Area 13: From July 15 to September 30, no person shall angle with a fishing line or downrigger line to which is attached a
weight that is greater than 168 grams (6 ounces) or an attracting device that is not affixed directly to the hook in those waters
of Discovery Passage and Campbell River inside a line true east of the fishing boundary sign at Orange Point to the middle of
the channel, then southeasterly down the middle of the channel to the intersection of a line running from a boundary sign on
the southern end of Hidden Harbour breakwater, then true east to Quadra Island.
Fraser River: No person shall angle for any species of finfish in the tidal waters of the Fraser River with any gear other than
to which is attached a single barbless hook.

Provision of Information: The licence holder shall provide accurate information regarding their catch and fishing activities
upon request of a Creel Surveyor or an online surveyor, authorities designated under s. 61(5) of the Fisheries Act.
Catch Records: The licence holder shall record immediately in ink on this licence all retained chinook and halibut caught in
any Management Area and lingcod caught in Areas 12 to 19 (excluding Subareas 12-14), Subareas 20-5 to 20-7 and 29-5. If
this is a replacement licence, the catch recorded on your original licence must be transferred to this licence prior to fishing.

or is that just referring to no treble hooks? the wording that is throwing me is A single barbless hook
Its great to see someone making an effort to understand the regulations. Kudos for asking. May be a positive idea for a sticky to have a section dedicated to regulations questions to encourage people to ask.
Its great to see someone making an effort to understand the regulations. Kudos for asking. May be a positive idea for a sticky to have a section dedicated to regulations questions to encourage people to ask.

On Canadian day I watched as a guy proudly showed off and cleaned a pile of undersized springs in area 13 I discreetly told him they were undersized. He told me in no uncertain terms to go fornicate myself. "The size limit is 45cm."

Sigh. Look for some of my previous posts regarding the regs. You have to be a Harvard Lawyer, naval sea captain, and a mapmaker to understand the regs. I have a West Coast trip planned in one week, and am trying to familiarize myself with the slot limits, boundaries etc. and am having no luck on DFO website. They need to figure out a way to dumb it down a bit.
I'm just going to assume that that line on my license that I don't understand is referring to multi tip hooks, doubles and trebles... if it turns out i'm wrong, I think I've found enough stuff I could defend myself in court with, basically saying that this was the most accurate interpretation of the many publications, as I could come to...

yeah, can't afford the tickets for poaching, nor do I really feel like being "that guy" so I like to try to obey laws, especially for things like this!

On Canadian day I watched as a guy proudly showed off and cleaned a pile of undersized springs in area 13 I discreetly told him they were undersized. He told me in no uncertain terms to go fornicate myself. "The size limit is 45cm."

Sigh. Look for some of my previous posts regarding the regs. You have to be a Harvard Lawyer, naval sea captain, and a mapmaker to understand the regs. I have a West Coast trip planned in one week, and am trying to familiarize myself with the slot limits, boundaries etc. and am having no luck on DFO website. They need to figure out a way to dumb it down a bit.

eek! yeah, size is definately something i'm worried about, that and knowing what the hell I just caught, i'm completely retarded when it comes to identifying fish! I know the difference between cooked salmon and cooked halibut! lol

I totally agree with you about trying to interpret the DFO website, I think part of the issue comes from the fact that they just C&P'd some pamphlet they have about all the regs, page for page, but on the website the navigation doesn't work for a pamphlet, so you can't go to "inside cover" because there's no link... if I had the book all of those quotes were out of, I think it would be 100x easier to figure out!

as for my rig, I made it tonight, actually used just 2 hooks and the preattached leaders, one I tied a loop in the very end, and one about 3/4 of the way to the hook, the loop on the end goes to my 1oz casting weight. Hook (and leader) 2 has a similar mid way loop, which I connect to my quick clip on my rod, and the end of the line goes to the mid loop on the lower line, and ties off there.

so basically from the bottom up, as it's hanging naturally, the weight is on a loop, comes up about 18" to a loop, and that line goes back down 6" to a hook. from the loop it repeats basically.

going to try a combination of things on the hooks, i've got some powerbait eggs and powerbait worms, (i've had some good luck in the past with powerbait stuff) if that doesn't work, i'll make a switch to real worms, but i'll try the eggs on one hook and the worms on another.

last question i've got for you gentlemen (who have been VERY helpful) is what fish are chillin in the lower (tidal) pitt river this time of year? what are the size limits on them? that is something I can't find ANYWHERE (for tidal)

thanks again for all of your help and advice guys (and i'm sure ladies)