Starboard Rod to the beach

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brokenrod
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Just a reminder to everyone. The starboard rod to the beach has the right of way. This may help when there are several boats or more tacking the shore. The more people that know this the better. Keeps order where there could be chaos.
Not alot of people practise this
I agree if more did it would be very helpful in busy situations
Rocks on right = Right of passage in all</u> scenerios, not just fishing. In most cases, it would be the disadvantaged vessel.
Well, what's the rule about how boats are supposed to pass? Port to port, which indeed gives the starboard rod to the beach the right of way. But too many folks simply take the attitude that everyone can see me and should just get out of my way. I used to fish with a guy who had this attitude in all situations whenever any boat (big or small) came along. When I said something, he just got pissed off and said, "You sound like my mother." Hmmmmmm... [}:)]
I'm hoping that there will be that many more people that are educated to the fact, it may make a difference. If it stops one needless arguement, that's a good thing. I just see too much of it.It's the big reason why I stay away from the crowds.
I totally agree ill use otter pt as an example right rod to shore on a hard in coming flood takes about a half an hour to cover the "tact" but yet I still see guys triyng to do the inside "tact"on the way down which takes about 5 mins and totally screws up the order of boats which in turn PO me.

Now up at Craycroft pt it is the total opposite you want the left rod to shore.

The rule of thumb should be bow into current or what I yell at people "UP ON THE INSIDE DOWN ON THE OUTSIDE" which ever way just use commen sense out there and give way to the inside tact and turn your boat around and give a guy as much room as possable when he has a fish on you/me work hard to get a fish the last thing you want to do is cut it of on your downrigger

Good luck Wolf
This is an excellent post,I have time and time again seen what Wolf describes at Otter Point it's very frustating.Last year when the sockeye were in there there was a fellow being a jackass and crossing in front of and behind everyone,I stood up and politely said get in line, and do what wolf explained,got the finger for my trouble.There is just no hope for some people.DAN