Spring Fishing Around Nanaimo is Excellent!!

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Wow, pretty well sums up the fishing in Nanaimo waters over the last several days.

Fish to 25 lbs. are hitting the ramp regularly with many more in the low to high teens. The key area's are still over at Entrance down to the Whalebone. Yesterday with the southeast blowing pretty strong, the boats were hiding at the cannery. Chad Green of Swale Rock fishing charters boated a 25, 22, and 11 for his clients. Truly awsome fishing for this time of year.

The majority of fish are coming on the anchovy in a clear green teaser. Depths are ranging from 100 to 150 ft. Monday saw the splatterback hootchie being the hot lure on the Dog House.

On the freshwater scene, all of the local lakes are producing great angling for trout. Westwood seems to be the talk of the town with some above average sized fish being taken on willow leafs and worm. Brannen lk. is another lake producing cutthroat to 16 inches. Again the willow leaf and worm seem to be the key. For flyfisherman, the micro leeches in black and olive fished close to the bottom is a sure bet. As well, the green carey special, wooly buggers and chronimids are producing.

Bass are now staging on their nests getting ready to lay their eggs. Use caution when angling for them. Remember that the Eighth annual Quesnell lk. Bass Tournament goes on June 17th.

For upto the minute reports contact us at the shop-244 1011
Darren Dickenson, Charter Manager - Screaming Fish and Fly
is the fingers producing as well? might be heading out in 2 weeks:D
quote:Originally posted by bigguns

is the fingers producing as well? might be heading out in 2 weeks:D
Yes there has been some nice fish off the fingers as well.I don't think it has been as steady as whalebone-grande but still worth a shot.
Given your shop's reaction to negative publicity on the seal situation off nanaimo,do you really expect us to accept an unbiased reporting of fishing conditions off Nanaimo?.I agree that fishing has been better than most year's,but keep it honest.Seals are still an issue and the wind has been a problem.I hope you sell lots of tackle.Just keep it honest
I completely agree with you Frango,We still have a major seal problem.I've fished off nanaimo since i was 12 years old,I'm now thirty = 18 years exp.i've seen the seal population grow rapidly and has through those years and we haven't even seen a peak of it either,So anybody that says there's not much of a problem obviously hasn't fished here much.also keep it honest i agree it will make or break ya.Cheers M.T.;)
quote:Originally posted by RVP

...easy there boys, as I have stated...the seals around "Nanaimo" are not as bad as they have been at this time of year as they have been in the past. This is an exceptional year and the successful anglers who have been coming into the shop to show us they're results are not BS'ing us and nor are the photo's of them. Just to touch on honesty, we also have years of experience around Nanaimo...we don't BS.

We can stop the reports if you want...
Keep em comin;)post some of the pics your takin too.
Yeah, probably not a good idea to talk about current fishing conditions or other information related to that....

Anyone here like to garden? [}:)]
quote:Originally posted by Pablo2079

Yeah, probably not a good idea to talk about current fishing conditions or other information related to that....

Anyone here like to garden? [}:)]
Sure.I thought that was what a forum was for.Myself I look on here every day for up to date reports on the nanaimo area.There are other places to get them but only updated every week to ten days.I say keep the reports coming and if you don't like em don't read em[:o)]
I for one appreciate the reports. If you don't want to believe them, don't...more room at the cleaning station for the rest of us;).

If you want to criticize someone, send them an e-mail.
I dont recall seeing impressive reports/size of those fish for this time of year from Nanaimo waters. Am I correct? Now I wonder whats in store for Sooke waters.
This'll be my first year fishing the Nanaimo waters since moving back from Edmonton a couple years ago. Traditionally May and June have produced some excellent fishing...not sure about the past few years.
Don't let this seal issue interfere with the reports, seals suck this is just another example of that. A couple members took cheap shots, I hope these guys don't wreck it for the rest of us who appreciate the updates and information. word
quote:Originally posted by M.T. WALLET

just wondering how you did tyee,the wind was pretty harsh around noon.i landed one around 12lbs. on saturday lost 2 too seals.[8D]
Went out yesterday around eleven got a couple of hours in before the S.E kicked up pretty good.Had one good hit off the fingers but it did'nt stick.probably a good thing as we had three or four seals following the whole time.Every time we checked the gear they were within twenty feet of the boat.Its pretty discouraging.