Sportfishingbc Hali Derby?


Active Member
So what do you think about having a Hali Derby in Victoria??? [:p]

Been a while since the group got together and Sportfishing BC has grown so much over the last year I think it's time we have a party I mean a derby. :D

I have been very busy with so many things but now have the time to dedicate to such an event. Wolf, Kildonan and others did a great job on the last one but this time I would love to see even more Members attend, assist and make this an even bigger event. I can get some sponsorship from the site if we put this on. So please post your thoughts of date etc etc.

Although this just an idea at this point I think it could be alot of fun!! The last one was from what I remeber. ;)

Cheers ME
Let's wait and see what the final on the regs will be. No sense in having a derby if you can keep only a max 18 lbs hali....