Sooke Reports - Spring and Summer 2012

There here(coho) because of all the bait around its small bait one inch needlefish that's a good thing . 90 to 110 feet was good for me Halloween ,funkychicken, and mongoose all great 5 in. Spoons. Played fish for two hours straight then I called it a day keep two clip.goodluck boomer.
There here(coho) because of all the bait around its small bait one inch needlefish that's a good thing .]

Sadly salmon population dynamics are not quite so simple. The presence of 1inch bait does not suddenly produce millions of salmon that have been hiding for over a decade. Early data suggests we can thank the efforts of the American salmon enhancement programs.
There here(coho) because of all the bait around its small bait one inch needlefish that's a good thing .]

Sadly salmon population dynamics are not quite so simple. The presence of 1inch bait does not suddenly produce millions of salmon that have been hiding for over a decade. Early data suggests we can thank the efforts of the American salmon enhancement programs.

You can say that again, you are so right......THANK YOU USA
There here(coho) because of all the bait around its small bait one inch needlefish that's a good thing .]

Sadly salmon population dynamics are not quite so simple. The presence of 1inch bait does not suddenly produce millions of salmon that have been hiding for over a decade. Early data suggests we can thank the efforts of the American salmon enhancement programs.

don't they clip them all though? Are these next generation hybrids then?
help guys! this dosnt sounds good a gale wind warning issued at 4 this morning. Anyone taking that into account today going out to Sooke? Was planning on going out right now now im not sure. ima little under powerd 60 on a 18. what do you guys think? sorry im new to fishing and having a hard time with wind predictions. supposed to taper off for a bit

why dosnt the wind prediction page change on bwd. checked it last night and it was all 10,15 and 20 with one 25 but gale is gusts up to 47 kns. if one were only to check that page you think youd be fine.
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help guys! this dosnt sounds good a gale wind warning issued at 4 this morning. Anyone taking that into account today going out to Sooke? Was planning on going out right now now im not sure. ima little under powerd 60 on a 18. what do you guys think? sorry im new to fishing and having a hard time with wind predictions. supposed to taper off for a bit
well blow up by noon seems common consensus and currently 16 knots already at Sheringham and Race - I think that means EC will probably be pretty close - unless you want to stick close to beecher or in Pedder itself, that may be pretty rough gig
Thanks deewar. kinda backwards to was predicted in the wind forcast was supposed to taper off around 10-12 then kick up. Thats what I was thinking going into beecher and just sticking my nose out. Also was thinking mabey esq and fishing breakwater as I heard a few nice springs were caught there the last few days and is closer but may be winder. ahhhh
Out this morning, 630-1130 @ secratary/ posession, heard of a few springs but overall slow, lotsa cohos, kept 2 clipped, threw back a bunch pretty sloppy out there!
was off the trap also very early, coho everywhere, jumping , finning. Very high clipped rate of coho today, got limits very early and tried for springs but got windy and we did not want to continue hooking coho we could not keep. Great morning.
don't they clip them all though? Are these next generation hybrids then?

I hate to keep a thread going off topic, but just to help answer the question...

If you have a look at the South Coast IFMP (Download link was provided by Fishery Notice - this year was mid-March), and head to Appendix 13, they actually publish the Brood Release Target for each of the salmon species for each hatchery and community project, along with the number of fish in that brood release to be marked, and what type of marking to use.

You'll notice that very few of the facilities clip all their fish. Some in fact clip a small percentage, if any at all.

As an example, the Big Qualicum hatchery (picking this one only cuz it's at the top of the alphabetized list) has a Chinook Brood Release Target of 3,600,000 Chinook for 2012, but the target number to mark by adipose clipping and wire tagging (small piece of coded wire in nostril that you turn heads in for) is 550,000. So for every clipped chinook you find returning to the Big Q, there are 5+ more hatch jobs that are not marked.

Many hatcheries are using otolith marking now, which easily allows them to mark their fish by varying water temperature. But unless you dig out the ear bones and examine a cross section under a microscope, you and I will never know if it's a hatchery fish.

So that's what is being said while REPORTing wild vs non-marked hatchery vs hatchery-marked coho while FISHING in SOOKE. (Is that last bit enough to consider this On-Topic ;) )
and thats why the regs should be the first x number of fish. all the rest of this clip, no clip is total BS. down this way the indians have not been clipping after all they don't want me catching 'their' fish.
I was out today too, and it was a lot of fun. Lots of action, but we had to stop because the coho we kept catching were mostly 'wild'. We managed only 1 hatchery, and it was our first one. This non retention of wild ones is crazy. There must be so many mortalities. I agree with everyone else, dfo needs to change it to 2 coho per, and you are done. Sifting through all the wilds is ridiculous.
Out for a few hours this morning in a friends 17 footer before the wind and waves made the decision for us to come in. Got a few Coho but nothing we could keep. They seem to like chovies and the Electric Chair Squirt. One of the guys who came in to the marina about a half hour after us was soaking wet from their boat taking a wave over the side. My kickers is in the shop again so getting out occasionally with friends who take pity on me. There have been some Chinook on the leader board recently in the upper 20’s and low 30’s so the bigger transient Chinook may be starting to show up.
Went off early yesterday morning at the Trap. Heard some guys were done by 6:30.. Some nice springs up to 30#, i wasn't so lucky as i wasn't deep enough, they were down and dirty. Out again early this morning thinking it would go off again, but no luck. Didn't see a spring caught all morning.. Funny hearing on the radio how some guys are tired of dealing with the coho, and nobody wanted to deal with them when they are hooked up. Tackle shops must be loving the bait sales.
Off Possession/Secretary and Trap shack. Coho, coho, coho and more coho. They had far fewer needlefish in them today than in previous days but were absolutely stuffed with krill. In spite of being almost bolted with krill, they were still taking Chovies and spoons. Cannot buy Spring this year.
Out this afternoon , after hearing it was great yesterday and found it slow. We had 7 fish on and only kept a nice hatchery spring around 20lbs.
My trip to Renny was good, but takes a while to get dialed in. The run out to the bank was awesome with great weather.:o
YES lots of coho and Yes fins funny to hear people complain about all the coho LOL
but remeber its fishing my clients are loving it get to go fishing catch 15 fish in a day what better way to promote our area fishing!!!!!!!! yes springs are hard to get but you have to remeber hard to get and have your gear around long enough to get them..... they are there but being tight lipped it will get better!!! ill bet 25 cents on it LOL LOL my prediction is we will start seeing more bigger springs by weeks end looking back on my records......

Was out yesterday had 2 on didnt stick so switched it up went for coho to top up got a limit of hatchery and finally did what people get to brag about in the tide line nailed a spring out there not huge but still a spring LOL LOL 43 ft on a coho killer, i always here of guys going out looking for pinks and such and they get a 30 lber out there never happens for me so thought it was rather funny...

good luck wolf